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Why having expectations is bad?

Why having expectations is bad?

Unmet expectations about the past create regret, grief, sorrow, shame and sadness. Projected unmet expectations about the future create depression, anxiety, feelings of inadequacy, impatience and hopelessness. If you didn’t have expectations, you would simply take things as they came and deal with them.

What is the meaning of expectation kills?

They kill us once when we wait for the same things we did for people. They kill us twice when we don’t really get anything.

How do expectations destroy relationships?

Expecting the unexpected Another way expectations can destroy your relationship is when you expect your partner to do things that you never communicated to them. How can they possibly do this? They are your partner, not a mind reader. For example, expecting a certain birthday or anniversary gift.

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Can expectations ruin?

Absolutely not. Expectation is a breeding ground for disappointment and resentment. Holding on to resentments is one of the most destructive things you can do in a relationship. It’s easy to feel trapped if you’re under the impression you must constantly strive to meet the expectations of others.

Why do expectations always hurt?

Again, EXPECTATIONS HURT! Whenever we set expectations it is either too high, or too low. It is either on top of the world or on the ground, overwhelmed or disappointed, optimism or pessimism. Both ways of setting expectations are dangerous.

Are expectations always bad?

Having high expectations isn’t all bad. There is evidence that having high expectations could be beneficial, whether it’s boosting your productivity or realising your goals.

Do expectations kills?

Expectation: – ‘a strong belief or feeling that something will happen’. Expectation kills happiness. The desire for something to happen or someone to do something in a certain way when you can’t control the outcome is the source of much of human frustration.

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Is it wrong to keep expectations in a relationship?

Studies show that it’s actually good to have high expectations when it comes to your relationship. It’s healthy to have expectations of respect, affection, intimacy, time together, etc. Being in a healthy relationship means you are getting your needs met by a person you love and trust.