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Why is a contralto voice rare?

Why is a contralto voice rare?

Altos/contraltos are often trained in the wrong way, resulting in low self-esteem and the inability to see the rare beauty in a lower voice. It is true that the average excelling pop musician is probably a soprano. But that means an alto/contralto is more unique.

How high can a contralto belt?

While taking the chest register higher in pitch could be detrimental for other voice types, the Contralto often feels quite comfortable singing as high as F4 in chest register (heavy mechanism). Upper Range: E-flat-5 to B-flat-6 (Some Contraltos have the high C, but this is a rare occurrence.)

What is Aurora’s vocal range?

If I’m not wrong the song range is A3-C♯5-E5, but towards the end I think she does a F♯3 but it’s to breathy and quiet to actually be sure.

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What makes a contralto voice unique?

A unique dark smoky color in the middle and chest registers. The Contralto uses the chest register higher in pitch than many other voice types. The middle register is much shorter than the other voices. He also mentions the fact that the ability to crescendo in the middle register is a quality of the true contralto voice.

Can contraltos sing in the lower registers?

Unfortunately, Contraltos are not encouraged to explore this dark, rich lower register, and consequently have to make do singing in the higher reaches of the voice. They are also allocated voice categories which have to be prefaced by the word “Female”: Female -Tenor and Female -Bass.

Is F4 too high for a contralto to sing?

Head voice often transitions at F4, up to a minor 3rd lower than the Lyric Mezzo Soprano. While taking the chest register higher in pitch could be detrimental for other voice types, the Contralto often feels quite comfortable singing as high as F4 in chest register (heavy mechanism).

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What is the best way to improve vocal range?

Vocalize your vowels to prepare your voice. Stand up and bring your shoulders back with your feet apart. Use a deep voice with a full breath to say or speak “Maaaa, mayyyyy, meeee, mowwww, mooo.”. This will open your voice and help you relax.