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Why is a flag so important?

Why is a flag so important?

A flag represents an idea, or an ideal. It is neither a mere piece of decoration, nor an object to be honoured for itself. It is honoured for what it represents. Many flags are held in high esteem for their history; for the sacrifices made by the people; for the qualities for which the country and people stand.

What does the American flag really stand for?

freedom and justice
The American flag has stood as a symbol of freedom and justice for over 225 years. The Stars and Stripes embodies the very qualities that make our nation great: liberty, justice, freedom, love of country and national purpose.

What colors mean on a flag?

Answer: According to custom and tradition, white signifies purity and innocence; red, hardiness and valor; and blue signifies vigilance, perseverance, and justice.

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What does an upside down flag mean?

What does an upside down flag mean? Traditionally, the American flag should never be hung upside down “except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property” according to the U.S Flag Code.

What do you do if a flag touches the ground?

Instead, the code stipulates, “The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.” Unless hitting the ground once renders the flag unfit for display, there’s no need to burn it.

Is the flag a history?

Flag of the United States

Names The American flag, The Stars and Stripes Red, White, and Blue Old Glory The Star-Spangled Banner United States (U.S.) flag
Use National flag and ensign
Proportion 10:19
Adopted December 3, 1775 (Grand Union Flag) June 14, 1777 (13-star version) July 4, 1960 (current 50-star version)
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Why is the flag important to America?

The American flag is a symbol known worldwide. The flag has been used to display our nationalism, as well as our rebellion, and everything else in between. The flag is so important that its history tells the story of America itself. It represents the freedom, dignity, and true meaning of being an American.

Why do people fly the American flag next to other symbols?

For that reason, many have chosen to fly the flag next to other symbols to give it more personal context. For some, that means raising the Stars and Stripes along with a “Make American Great Again” banner. For others, the American flag is flying alongside a gay pride banner or Black Lives Matter sign.

Does the American flag come with baggage?

But many of the roughly 1,800 people who responded to NPR’s call out, especially people of color and those who lean more liberal, said it’s not that simple. They told us the American flag comes with baggage that can’t be ignored.

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What’s going on with the flag row in Texas?

Recently, there’s been a row in Texas over car licence plates bearing the flag, a man arrested after shouting abuse while waving it at a country music concert, and the ongoing fallout from South Carolina flying the flag in front of the State House.

What is the significance of the Confederate flag?

It was instead adopted as a square battle flag by the Army of Northern Virginia under General Lee, the greatest military force of the Confederacy. It fast became such a potent symbol of Confederate nationalism that in 1863 it was incorporated into the next design of the national flag, which replaced the hated Stars and Bars.