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Why is ice at 0 degree more effective than water at the same temperature?

Why is ice at 0 degree more effective than water at the same temperature?

Ice at 0°C is more effective in cooling than water at the same temperature, because ice absorbs the latent heat of 3.34 × 105 joules from the substance and cools it effectively. On the other hand, water at the same temperature doesn’t take any heat from the substance.

Which is more effective in cooling ice at 273k or 373k?

Answer: Ice at 273 K would absorb latent heat as well as the heat heat energy in order to attain the room temperature. Therefore, ice at 273 K is more effective in cooling then water at the same temperature.

What is more effective in cooling ice or water at 0 degrees Celsius?

Answer: Ice is more effective in cooling than water at the same temperature because ice can absorb latent heat as well as the heat energy in order to attain room temperature. Water at 0 C can absorb heat energy only to attain the room temperature. Because ice release the latent heat when it change from liquid to solid.

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Why does ice at 0c appear colder than water at same temperature?

Answer Expert Verified When ice placed at zero degree Celsius, latent heat absorbed by the ice is greater than the same heat absorbed by the water at same point of temperature that is zero degree Celsius. This is the reason why ice is colder than the water at zero degree.

Why is ice at 273k more effective in cooling than water at 273k?

– At 273 K, ice absorbs more heat than water from the substance to overcome the latent heat of fusion and thus providing a more effective cooling effect. Water however does not absorb any extra heat from the substance. Thus, ice is more effective in cooling than water at 273 Kelvin.

Which is more effective in cooling a water at 0 C B water at 100 C C ice at 0 C D all of these?

Ice at zero centigrade has greater cooling effect than water at 0∘C.

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Why is ice at 273K more effective in cooling than water at 273K?

Which is more effective in cooling 1 point ice at 273K water at 273K water at 373k ice at 373k?

Water at a temperature of 273 K would just absorb heat energy to achieve room temperature. Thus, water at 273 K will absorb less environmental heat energy than ice at 273 K. Therefore, ice at 273 K is more effective in cooling than water at the same temperature.

Which contains more heat 1kg of ice at 0c or 1kg of water at 0c?

This means when water is cooled, as soon as the temperature reaches 0°C, the latent heat of fusion from water starts getting removed and it starts getting converted into ice. Water converts into ice when heat is removed, and thus, 1kg of water contains more heat than 1kg of ice at the same temperature.

Why is ice more effective at 273K?

What is the difference between water and ice at 273k?

On the other hand, water at 273K would just absorb heat energy at room temperature. So, water at 273K will have more energy as compared to ice at 273K, since ice has absorbed energy from surrounding in the form of latent heat to form water whereas water had no such privilege.

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Does ice consume more heat than water at the same temperature?

When both the substances, at 273K, are used for cooling, ice is more effective than water. This is because ice is a solid when it absorbs heat, it is used for two things Thus, we can conclude that ice at 0°C / 273K consumes more heat than water at 0°C / 273K. Hence, ice at 273 K is more effective in cooling than water at the same temperature.

When both substances are used for cooling is ice more effective?

When both the substances, at 273K, are used for cooling, ice is more effective than water. This is because ice is a solid when it absorbs heat, it is used for two things For changing its state from solid to water To increase its temperature from 0°C / 273K

What is the difference between 273 K and room temperature?

To achieve the room temperature, the ice at 273 K will absorb latent heat as well as thermal energy. Water at a temperature of 273 K would just absorb heat energy to achieve room temperature. Thus, water at 273 K will absorb less environmental heat energy than ice at 273 K.