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Why is it hard to swim in river?

Why is it hard to swim in river?

Swimming in a river is not like swimming in a pool or in the sea: river water is much colder than pool or sea water•you do not float as well in river water as you do in sea water. if you are in a river current and try to put your feet down your foot could become trapped under rocks.

Why is it easier for fishes to swim in water?

Fishes can easily swim in water because they have streamlined bodies, which produces minimum friction in water and energy required to overcome this friction is very less.

Why is it easier for the fish to swim in water Brainly?

Answer: Fish stretch or expand their muscles on one side of their body, while relaxing the muscles on the other side. This motion moves them forward through the water.

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Why is fish slippery?

Fish secrete a glyco protein slime from the cells in their skin to make it harder for parasites to attach. Fish secrete a glyco protein slime from the cells in their skin to make it harder for parasites to attach. Some fish even secrete toxins into the slime to deter predators.

How do fish overcome drag?

Fish can secrete mucus or slime over the body to reduce frictional drag. The slime is a combination of lipids and proteins, many of which contain long chains of molecules, and some of which can act as surfactants (lowering the surface tension of a fluid).

Why is it easier to swim in sea water than river water?

It is easier to swim in sea water than in a river because, the sea water contains salt which increases the density of water and also increases its upthrust so, the body sinks less in it and we swim easily Is This Answer Correct? Why is it easier to swim in sea water than in the river water?..

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Why is upward thrust larger in sea than in River?

The density of the sea water is more than the density of river water. Thus upward thrust is larger. When a body is submerged in sea water the weight of the sea water is displaced is equal to the weight of the river water. A larger body is to be submerged in it.

Do you need more effort to win in sea water?

Yes because sea water is saltwater not fresh water. Seawater is a denser liquid thus making anything that might float in freshwater, float even higher over the surface of seawater. You therefore need less effort to win in the sea/ocean. Did you really not know this, or are you just passing the time?

What is the difference between a river and a sea?

Another consideration between a “river” and a sea would be current. Rivers usually have some flow, how much depends on the particular river. Near my home, the Blackwater River and Yellow River are quite fast, and swimming in them would be much more difficult than swimming in a calm sea.