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Why is the Catholic Church so fancy?

Why is the Catholic Church so fancy?

Catholic Churches can look fancy, especially the older ones. I think most people believed that God deserved all of the riches and honors – and for many humans, that means material wealth. So, Churches have decorations and gold paint and statues and arches – I think all as a way of bringing glory to God.

Why the Catholic Church is the true church?

Catholic belief holds that the Church “is the continuing presence of Jesus on earth”, and that all duly-consecrated bishops have a lineal succession from the apostles. Thus the Catholic Church holds that “the one Church of Christ which in the Creed is professed as one, holy, catholic and apostolic …

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Why is the Catholic religion so strict?

Primarily, the Catholic faith is SEEN as strict by Protestants who think that they have already done everything they need to do when they “accept Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour” – otherwise known to Catholics as the unforgivable sin against the Holy Spirit of presumption, which if you die in that state, then …

What is the purpose of the Church Catholic?

The Catholic Church’s mission is to carry out and continue the work of Jesus Christ on Earth. The Church, and those in it, must: share the Word of God. help those in need.

Why are Catholic churches decorated?

Churches should elaborately decorated to show God’s glory. Decorations should include paintings and statues of Jesus and the saints, candles, gold and jewels.

Why are Protestant churches plain?

Some believe that the decorations can become the object of worship rather than God Himself. Baptist churches, gospel halls and Brethren churches are examples of plain churches. This allows worshippers to reflect on the splendour of God.

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Is Catholic a man made religion?

Christianity is the religion. Out of this religion, Roman Catholicism is one denomination among many; the Protestant denominations make up the rest. ALL denominations and non-denominational organizations are man made.

Is it a mortal sin to miss Mass on Sunday?

Our Sunday Mass obligation is based on the Third Commandment: “Remember the sabbath day — keep it holy” (Ex 20:8). All of the commandments of God are serious matter, so to deliberately miss Mass on Sunday — without a just reason — would objectively be considered a mortal sin.

What is the end goal of Catholicism?

Christ created the Catholic Church to give God “praise, reverence, and service; to give him glory.” The goal is glory, the family of God enjoying and sharing the glory of God.
