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Why is work a scalar?

Why is work a scalar?

Work is a scalar quantity because it is the dot product of two vectors (Force and displacement). Dot product of two vectors becomes scalar quantity. So, work done has only magnitude but not direction. Work done may be positive, negative or zero.

Why work is the scalar product of force and displacement?

In other words, work is equal to the magnitude of an object’s displacement while an external force is applied to the object multiplied by the magnitude of the component of the external force which is along the displacement. Thus, work is a scalar quantity.

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Is work field scalar or vector?

Work is not a vector quantity, but a scalar quantity.

Why displacement is a scalar quantity?

It is a scalar quantity as it only depends upon the magnitude and not the direction. It can have only positive values whereas Displacement is the direct length between any two points when measured along the minimum path between them.

Why work is a scalar quantity Quora?

i.e, Work done is the dot product or the scalar product of the force acting on the body and the displacement of the body in the direction of the force. So, from above it is clear that work done is a scalar product of two vector quantities. That is why work done is a scalar quantity.

Why force is a vector quantity?

(Introduction to Mechanics) vector quantities are quantities that possess both magnitude and direction. A force has both magnitude and direction, therefore: Force is a vector quantity; its units are newtons, N. Forces can cause motion; alternatively forces can act to keep (an) object(s) at rest.

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Why work is a scalar quantity with example?

Work is nothing but the energy generated. Work has only a magnitude but no direction. The formula for work is written as a dot product of force and displacement. Therefore, work is a scalar quantity.

Why work has only magnitude and no direction?

Work is the dot product of F and s. Dot product of 2 vectors give rise to a scalar quantity which has no direction but only magnitude. Since W is a dot product of 2 vectors F and s, it is scalar and has only magnitude.

Is displacement scalar or vector?

vector quantity
Distance is a scalar quantity that refers to “how much ground an object has covered” during its motion. Displacement is a vector quantity that refers to “how far out of place an object is”; it is the object’s overall change in position.

Why is displacement not a scalar quantity?

Displacement is a vector quantity and not a scalar quantity because it can be only described by using both magnitude as well as direction. Distance, on the other hand, is a scalar quantity, since we need to know only about the path taken. In comparison, the path does not matter in the case of displacement.

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Is displacement is scalar or vector quantity?

Displacement is an example of a vector quantity. Distance is an example of a scalar quantity. A vector is any quantity with both magnitude and direction.

How the work is a scalar quantity?