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Why KNO3 is used in gun powder?

Why KNO3 is used in gun powder?

Potassium nitrate, also known as ‘saltpetre’, or ‘saltpeter’, decomposes at high temperature to provide oxygen for the reaction. This means that gunpowder doesn’t need to be exposed to air to burn – and is why smothering fireworks won’t stop them burning!

What potassium compound is the key element in gunpowder?

Potassium Nitrate is a crystalline salt, KNO3; a strong oxidizer used especially in making gunpowder, as a fertilizer, and in medicine.

What is a better oxidizer than potassium nitrate?

Barium peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide solutions (8\% to 27.5\% by weight) Magnesium nitrate. Potassium nitrate.

What is the difference between potassium perchlorate potassium chlorate?

The chemical formula of potassium chlorate is KClO3 while the chemical formula of potassium perchlorate is KClO4. The key difference between potassium chlorate and potassium perchlorate is that potassium chlorate is highly reactive compared to potassium perchlorate.

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What makes black powder explode?

Black Powder is very sensitive to flame and spark and can also be ignited by friction and impact. When ignited unconfined, it bums with explosive violence and will explode if ignited under even slight confinement.

Is kno3 soluble in water?

Potassium nitrate/Soluble in

What does kno3 react with?

Laboratories often use Potassium nitrate as a reagent in lab experiments because it reacts with many different compounds. For example, it reacts readily with sugar, acids and sulfur.

How do you make kno3?

Potassium nitrate can be made by combining ammonium nitrate and potassium hydroxide. An alternative way of producing potassium nitrate without a by-product of ammonia is to combine ammonium nitrate, found in instant ice packs, and potassium chloride, easily obtained as a sodium-free salt substitute.

What is the strongest oxidizing agent?

Fluorine (F)
Fluorine (F) is the strongest oxidizing agent of all the elements, and the other Halogens are also powerful oxidizing agents. Fluorine is such a good oxidizing agent that metals, quartz, asbestos, and even water burst into flame in its presence.

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What is a powerful oxidizer?

Hydrogen Peroxide is one of the most powerful oxidizers known — stronger than chlorine, chlorine dioxide, and potassium permanganate.

Can potassium perchlorate be substituted for potassium chlorate?

This mixture, sometimes called flash powder, is also used in ground and air fireworks. As an oxidizer, potassium perchlorate can be used safely in the presence of sulfur, whereas potassium chlorate cannot.

What is potassium chlorate used for?

Potassium Chlorate is a transparent, colorless crystal or white powder. It is used as an oxidizing agent, and in explosives, matches, textile printing, disinfectants and bleaches. * Potassium Chlorate is on the Hazardous Substance List because it is cited by DOT.

How do you dissolve KNO3 in water?

Place the water bath and test tube #1 on the stand (already set up), firmly attached. Heat the water to 90 ºC and adjust the flame to maintain this temperature. Stir the KNO3-water mixture with a glass stirring rod until the KNO3 is completely dissolved.

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What is the solubility of K N O3 at 25°C?

The solubility of K N O3 is 155 g per 100 g of water at 75° Cand 38.0 g at 25°C. What mass (in grams) of K N O3 will crystallize out of solution if exactly 100.0 g of its saturated solution at 75° C is cooled to 25°C?

What is the equivalent mass of KNO3?

We know KNO3 is a base. Atomic mass of K=40u,N=14,3O=48. Sum=102,so equivalent mass of the KNO3 IS 102.