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Why the plural of foot is feet?

Why the plural of foot is feet?

The plural of foot always was feet; we inherited the word from West Germanic, which seems to have had a lot more plurals where the vowel changed than English does today. The word for “foot” in German is Fuß (rhyming with “moose”); the plural is Füße.

Is it feet or foot plural?

“The plural of ‘foot’ is ‘feet,’ and the hose is 25 feet long. Foot, of course, can be a noun.

Do you say 12 foot or 12 feet?

Senior Member. You use the singular when it’s part of the name like a 6 foot sub. A 6 foot sub is 6 feet long. A 12 foot truck is 12 feet long.

Is foot and feet are same?

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Foot and feet are Standard Units of Measurement. They enable us to measure the length of a particular object or person. They can also help us measure the distance from one area to another. Whilst foot refers to the single unit of measurement, ‘feet’ is its plural alternative.

Is it 4 foot or 4 feet?

The addition of “tall” is not required in everyday conversation. For all other meanings of “foot,” we use “foot” for the singular form and “feet” for the plural.

Is foot plural or plural?

Foot refers to the lower part of the leg and also a measurement for distance, height and length. It is in its singular form. A. “The wound on his foot has been infected.”B. “I am five foot tall.”. Feet is obviously the plural form for foot. It can be utilized when you’re referring to the lower parts of both your legs.

What is the meaning of Foot?

foot or feet. Foot refers to the lower part of the leg and also a measurement for distance, height and length. It is in its singular form. A. “The wound on his foot has been infected.”B.

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What is the plural form of 5 feet 6 inches?

I am 5-foot-6. This is a common way of saying, “I am 5 feet 6 inches tall.” However, when the person’s height is an exact number of feet –without inches — we use the plural form. I am 5 feet.

What is the noun form of 10 feet?

Here, the noun is “10 feet” and the adjective is “tall.” Notice that the noun form does not use a hyphen. These two rules also apply to many other units of measurement. Lastly, we usually use the singular form when talking about a person’s height.