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Why was Newton so brilliant?

Why was Newton so brilliant?

Newton was foremost a physicist, and in his day, he tackled many difficult issues in physics, the most famous of which was gravity. Newton is known for developing the laws of motion and gravitation, which undoubtedly led to his work in calculus. Armed with calculus, he could describe exactly how those sections behaved.

Why was Isaac Newton the best mathematician in the world?

Isaac Newton was the greatest English mathematician of his generation. He laid the foundation for differential and integral calculus. His work on optics and gravitation make him one of the greatest scientists the world has known.

Did Isaac Newton go to college if so which one?

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Though Newton did not excel in school, he did earn the opportunity to attend Trinity College Cambridge where he wanted to study law. His mother refused to pay for his education so while at college he worked as a servant to pay his way.

Was Isaac Newton smart?

One of the most celebrated and influential scientists of all time, Newton had an estimated IQ of 193. His book Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica was the foundational text of classical mechanics and influenced scientific thought for over 300 hundred years. 1.

Is Einstein genius than Newton?

The Man had an IQ of 260, which surpassed the IQ level of Isaac Newton, which was 190 and Albert Einstein of 160. …

Who said Isaac Newton is the smartest person ever?

Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein once said that Isaac Newton was the smartest person who ever lived. However, this does not mean he was a perfect person with no mistakes. Even though his three laws of motion and gravity were right, he tended to put God in scientific blanks that he had no explanation for.

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Where did Isaac Newton go to college?

Newton’s whole academic life, from 1661 to 1696, was spent at Trinity College Cambridge, first as an undergraduate and then as a Fellow from 1667. Isaac Barrow later succeeded Pearson as Master. It was Barrow who persuaded his friend Sir Christopher Wren to design the Wren Library (completed in 1695), the finest of the Trinity buildings.

What year was Isaac Newton born?

DOM: ‘Newton was born in 1643, when the laws of nature and the universe were a big mystery. It was the early days of modern science.’ DICK: ‘Newton made many advances in our understanding of the universe, maths and physics.’

What was the genius idea of Sir Isaac Newton?

DICK: ‘Newtons genius idea was in understanding how gravity works. He realised it’s a pulling force that makes apples fall to the ground and stops people floating off into the sky.’ DOM: ‘And he discovered gravity’s force even tugs on the moon keeping it orbiting the earth. Genius.’ Hey Fran, how are you doing? FRAN SCOTT: Hello!