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Why would a 30 year old like a 18 year old?

Why would a 30 year old like a 18 year old?

The reason a 30-year old man would be interested in an 18-year-old girl is pretty darn obvious: it’s usually easier to “impress” and manipulate an 18-year-old than it is to impress/manipulate a woman his own age.

Is age really matter in love?

Does Age Really Matter in Relationships? Generally, it doesn’t. A couple can have a strong relationship as long as they love, respect and care for each other. Having a partner, who is a few years older than you, is considered normal but when the age gap is too wide then it may look unconventional.

What age gap is too much?

Think of 10 years as a general guideline, but be open to other ages as well—and don’t limit yourself to dating only someone older. “‘Cast a wide net’ is what I tell all my clients,” Sussman says. “Men should date older, and women should be OK experimenting with dating younger. And we should all be more open-minded.”

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Can an 18 year old date a 30 year old?

Well it’s not illegal. An 18 year old is an adult and of age ( consent). Assuming the relationship you have is born from mutual consent and respect it’s not illegal.

Is it wrong to date an 18-year-old girl?

As an 18 year old girl, I say no, it is not wrong. To generalize that the girl is weaker than him or must be damaged in some way, and in turn he is taking advantage, is pedophilic, isn’t emotionally mature enough for a woman his own age, et cetera, is very discrediting to both parties and is a harmful preconception.

How old should you be to date someone?

It lets you chart acceptable age discrepancies that adjust over the years. According to the rule, for example, a 30-year-old should be with a partner who is at least 22, while a 50-year-old’s dating partner must be at least 32 to not attract (presumed) social sanction. But how legitimate is this rule?

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Can a 40 year old woman date a 27 year old?

In other words, while the rule states that 40-year-old women can feel comfortable dating 27-year-old men, this does not reflect the social preferences and standards of women. Women in their 40s think that approximately 35 or older is acceptable for marriage or a relationship.

What is the maximum age a man can date?

Instead, men report maximum acceptable partner ages that hover around their own age through their 40s. After 40, maximum age preferences for most categories remain lower than their own age. Thus the rule for maximum age is fairly ineffective at capturing what men actually believe is acceptable.