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Will Windows 10 overwrite grub?

Will Windows 10 overwrite grub?

The latest (at the time of writing) Windows 10 versions will probably break grub once you boot into Windows, but it can be prevented. Note that this method will only work if Linux has been installed in UEFI mode, so you’ll get an error if Linux has been installed in Legacy mode.

How do you install Windows without losing grubs?

2 Answers

  1. Open gparted partition editor ,in ubuntu and delete the windows 8 partition and format it to ntfs filesystem.
  2. Download boot-repair live disk .
  3. Insert windows 7 installation disk,and install windows 7 os on the deleted windows 8 partition.
  4. After that insert boot-repair live usb and boot from it.

Can you dual boot without grub?

If not using GRUB or GRUB2 you can use a Windows Program called BootBCD which dual boots from the Windows OS and again can let you choose but also can configure to allow you to Choose Linux, on any drive and partition.

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How can I prevent Windows from overwriting grub when using a dual boot machine?

Best Answer

  1. Boot from a live CD (CD/DVD or flash drive).
  2. Become root or use sudo with commands below.
  3. List the available partitions if needed: fdisk -l.
  4. Windows will almost certainly exist on /dev/sda1: mount /dev/sda1 /mnt.
  5. Reinstall GRUB in the MBR: grub-install –root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda.
  6. Reboot: shutdown -r now.

Will Windows Update affect dual boot?

Yes, it will. When Windows is installed after installing Linux distros, it overwrites the boot loader. This means that you will directly boot into Windows.

How do I start Ubuntu without Grub menu?

Hide boot menu by manually editing the config file:

  1. GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=hidden – Hide the boot menu.
  2. GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=countdown – Hide boot menu and show countdown.
  3. GRUB_TIMEOUT = 0 – It will boot the default OS immediately.
  4. GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true – Disable “/etc/grub.

How to prevent Grub from overwriting bootloader?

You can also use EasyBCD to fix GRUB from Windows (or your own bcdedit command), but as to prevent it in the first place – you can’t tell Windows it can’t overwrite the bootloader, as far as I’m aware

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Why does Windows 10 overwrite GRUB 2 when installing Linux?

Windows 10 overwrites GRUB 2 when you change the text color, size, font, or menu entry titles. There are two ways to solve this. You could install Linux in Legacy Mode (BIOS Settings > Boot > Legacy Support + Legacy First).

What happens if I reboot to grub?

If you reboot now, you’ll boot to grub, if the Linux option is enabled with the highest priority. Note that Windows doesn’t seem to recognize that it’s been deactivated, so this will not get reverted by booting into Windows or updating it.

How do I overwrite the boot sector on the MBR?

Windows will overwrite the boot sector whenever you install it, upgrade it to a new version, or use tools like bootrec /fixmbr, bootrec /fixboot, or the older fdisk /mbr. In general, install Windows first, then Linux. The boot sector will stay put until you do one of the things above. (And perhaps there are also other ways to write onto the MBR.)