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Would a samurai beat a Roman?

Would a samurai beat a Roman?

In combat, a legionary will win against a samurai. The average samurai and legionary are both career soldiers that train constantly. As the roman soldier gets closer, the longer sword carried by the Samurai will become less effective, and the short Gladius should have no problem piercing the armor of the samurai.

Who would win the Romans or the Crusaders?

Both armies consisted of thousands of heavy cavalry. While one legion could only mustered around 300 cavalry most of which were not heavily armed. The crusaders would beat a legion. Hands down.

Could the Romans have beaten the Mongols?

They would easily sweep a legion from the field. The Roman army in time adapted to mounted archers between the 3rd and 5th century having apparently fought against mounted archers several times during this period. In my opinion, the first Roman legion to face the Mongols would have been soundly defeated.

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Who would win Samurai or Viking?

Originally Answered: Who would win, a samurai, a knight, or a viking? Deadliest Warrior did a match up between a viking and a samurai, and the samurai came out on top due to his speed and skill.

Who is a samurai warrior?

samurai, member of the Japanese warrior caste. The term samurai was originally used to denote the aristocratic warriors (bushi), but it came to apply to all the members of the warrior class that rose to power in the 12th century and dominated the Japanese government until the Meiji Restoration in 1868.

Who started the samurai?

Minamoto Yoritomo
In 1185 a new government was founded by the Minamoto family in Kamakura, south of modern Tôkyô. In 1192 Minamoto Yoritomo was given the title ‘shôgun’ to signify his military control over the country.

Could the samurai have beaten the conquistadors?

The Samurai did not stand a chance. The Conquistadors had stronger armor that they could not penetrate, and the Musketeers backing them up were better shots, with more reliable weapons. Not only did they beat the Samurai, but the 40 men went on to fight off a fleet of ten Japanese ships commanding thousands of men.

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Who won the fight between a lion and a tiger?

The Romans did it first, in the first century A.D., and the Indians copied them in the 19th century. In India, the fight was arranged by the Gaekwad of Baroda, who was so sure that the lion would win that he put down a 37,000 rupee bet. Both times, the tiger won—and not even by a small margin.

How did the Spanish fight the ronin samurai?

In 1582, a group of Spanish Conquistadors found themselves face to face with a band of armored, katana-wielding Ronin Samurai. The Spaniards had been trading in the Philippines when Japanese pirates started raiding the countryside. Determined to protect their trade partners, 40 Spanish men moved out against the Japanese pirates.

Could a Native American warrior have beaten a Viking?

One-on-one, a Native American Warrior probably would have lost to a Viking, but they were a bit smarter about it. They chased away Thorvald by taking a hide-covered boat down a fjord, launching a volley of arrows at the Vikings, and then paddling away before they could strike back.