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Would the CIS have won?

Would the CIS have won?

Originally Answered: Did the Separatists have a chance of winning the Clone Wars, or were they doomed from the start? They were never meant to win the war. The Sepratists purpose was to create an excuse for the clone army to be serviced, more powers given to Palpatine and a bunch of other reasons. So no, they didn’t.

What did the CIS want?

The most extreme parties in the Separatist Senate wanted to destroy the Republic. They saw the Republic as a hostile, evil entity that needed to be destroyed. Others in the senate believed that the CIS should become its own entity, an independent state that traded with the Republic.

Did the CIS win the Clone Wars?

The end of the Clone Wars was primarily dramatized in Revenge of the Sith. The good guys (the Republic) arguably win the military victory, defeating the CIS (aka Separatists). The Republic became the Empire, ringing in an era of authoritarian depredation and back-room dark side dealings.

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What would Palpatine do if the Separatists won?

If the Separatists won, Sidious could still shut down the droid army, wiping out the vast majority of their defense system. If Anakin never became Vader, Sidious could still have an agent or group of agents/bounty hunters track down the Separatist leaders and wipe them out.

How were the Separatists defeated?

On planets across the galaxy, clone troopers turned their guns on their Jedi commanders, decimating the Order. Sidious sent Skywalker to Mustafar, where he slaughtered the members of the Separatist Council. The Separatist Alliance was defeated and the war was over.

How many planets did the CIS control?

Eight worlds (all the origins of the leading species) were the capitals of the eight separatist governments, including Neimoidia, Skako, Muunilinst, Geonosis, Castell, Kooriva, Ando and Dac.

What did the separatist fight for?

The Confederacy of Independent Systems, also known as the Separatist Alliance, was a collection of star systems and corporate titans that left the Republic and fought for independence against the Republic’s clone armies and Jedi Knights.

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What would happen if the CIS won?

With the Jedi fighting on the front lines, if the CIS won the war then they would have wiped out the Jedi in the process, so there would be no need to enact Order 66 (although Palpatine still might have done so, just to be sure there weren’t any Jedi survivors).

Did the Separatists build the Death Star?

As we know in Attack of the Clones, the Separatists — specifically Count Dooku — had the Death Star Plans at that point. Someone — probably Krennic and Galen — did design the Death Star for a secret Republic project. This project — like the Clone Army — was hidden from the Jedi.

What is the Confederacy of independent systems?

The Confederacy of Independent Systems, abbreviated to CIS, and also known as the Separatist Alliance or the Separatist State, was a confederation of thousands of star systems from the Inner to the Outer Rim that declared independence from the Galactic Republic which it fought during the Clone Wars from 24 BBY until 19 BBY.

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Who was the leader of the Confederacy and Republic?

However, unknown to the galaxy or either governments, the war was a ploy designed by the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious, who led both the Confederacy through Dooku as his Sith Master, and, secretly, the Republic as Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine.

Were the Sith Empire more effective than the CIS in combat?

Not only that, but the Sith Empire had droids and used them effectively; so with this taken into account, we have Sith, regular Imperial Troopers, and droids, all of which match the CIS in combat effectiveness. They certainly outnumber the number of Jedi that were in the galaxy during the Clone Wars.

Who were the separatists in Star Wars?

Formed by thousands of secessionist star systems on the grounds of excessive taxation and corruption within the Galactic Senate, the Separatists were led by the former Jedi Count Dooku, who served as the Alliance’s Head of State. In addition the Separatists were secretly supported by several corporations,…