Are civilians legitimate targets in modern warfare?

Are civilians legitimate targets in modern warfare?

The general rule. The general rule is that only those people fighting you are legitimate targets of attack. Those who are not fighting should not be attacked as this would violate their human rights. The Geneva Convention lays down that civilians are not to be subject to attack.

Are belligerent reprisals against civilians legal?

A belligerent reprisal consists of an action that would otherwise be unlawful but that in exceptional cases is considered lawful under international law when used as an enforcement measure in reaction to unlawful acts of an adversary.

Why are civilians targeted in war?

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He concludes that governments decide to target civilian populations for two main reasons—desperation to reduce their own military casualties or avert defeat, or a desire to seize and annex enemy territory.

What are legal reprisals?

Reprisals are measures of pressure that derogate from the normal rules of international law: they are carried out by a State in response to unlawful acts committed against it by another State and are intended to force that State to respect the law. Reprisals may also be carried out in response to an attack.

What is the meaning of international humanitarian law?

International humanitarian law is a set of rules which seek, for humanitarian reasons, to limit the effects of armed conflict. It protects persons who are not or are no longer participating in the hostilities and restricts the means and methods of warfare.

Is targeting civilians a war crime?

A war crime is a violation of the laws of war that gives rise to individual criminal responsibility for actions by the combatants, such as intentionally killing civilians or intentionally killing prisoners of war; torture; taking hostages; unnecessarily destroying civilian property; deception by perfidy; rape; …

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How were civilians treated in ww2?

During World War II, the civilian population of the United States, and other countries for that matter, was rationed to the bare necessities when it came to goods needed by the military. Rationed items included food as well as items made from materials used in the manufacture of military supplies, equipment and arms.

Is an Article 15 bad?

Article 15s are considered nonjudicial punishment under the UCMJ. Article 15s are a mechanism that allow the chain of command to punish a Soldier for offenses under the UCMJ without formally charging him/her at a court-martial.

Are reprisals illegal?

A “reprisal” is a breach of international humanitarian law, which would otherwise be unlawful but in exceptional cases is considered lawful as an enforcement measure in response to a previous breach of international humanitarian law by the enemy, with the purpose of terminating the enemy’s violation.

How are war criminals prosecuted under international humanitarian law?

– Prosecution of persons who have committed grave breaches of international humanitarian law : Such persons must be prosecuted by any State party under whose authority they find themselves. The Court’s jurisdiction does not affect the obligation of States Parties to prosecute war criminals in their own domestic courts.

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