Are educated people more religious?

Are educated people more religious?

United States. According to the General Social Survey, which has collected data on Americans since 1972, people who are educated often are more religious by various measures.

How does religion affect academic performance?

Public religious practice had a moderate impact on academic performance using certain variables related to church meeting attendance. Religious belief variables were found to be completely negligible in their impact on the same. These findings agree with similar studies done with LDS high school students.

What is the meaning of religious education?

Definition of religious education 1 : instruction in religion as a subject of general education. 2 : instruction in the principles of a particular religious faith.

Is there a link between education level and religious beliefs?

Moreover, the majority of American adults (71\%) identify as Christians. And among Christians, those with higher levels of education appear to be just as religious as those with less schooling, on average. In fact, highly educated Christians are more likely than less-educated Christians to say they are weekly churchgoers.

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What is the most educated religion in the US?

In the U.S., Hindus and Jews are among the most highly educated religious groups. Worldwide, Jews have the most years of formal schooling. Moreover, the majority of American adults (71\%) identify as Christians.

How do college-educated Christians look like?

On other measures of religious observance, college-educated Christians tend to look quite similar to those who haven’t completed college. There are, however, a few exceptions. Among mainline Protestants and Catholics, for instance, those with higher levels of education are slightly less likely to say religion is very important in their lives.

Is God what we believe it is?

Thus, God is what believe it is. People have believed in God in some form or fashion since the birth of civilization. I believe that several things can be learned from holding a belief in God. And, depending on your beliefs, a belief in God can foster advances in all realms of human activity.