Are people from California smarter?

Are people from California smarter?

California residents were ranked 24th smartest in the nation in a study by SafeHome.

Who has better weather Florida or California?

Florida is the hotter and more humid state when compared to California, you might even want to call it tropical. Although Florida doesn’t have as much of a diverse landscape as the Golden State, it has miles of incredible beaches and life is very much focused on the coast.

What’s the dumbest state in USA?

The ten dumbest states in the United States are:

  • Hawaii.
  • Nevada.
  • Mississippi.
  • Alabama.
  • Florida.
  • South Carolina.
  • West Virginia.
  • Louisiana.

How smart is Florida?

Org’s Smartest and Dumbest States in America survey Florida ranked as the No. 28 smartest state in the U.S. Researchers came by that decision by analyzing 2018 data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the U.S. Department of Education and the College Board.

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Is California the dumbest state?

The United States is a large country with hundreds of millions of people. Many brilliant people keep the country running every day, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its share of dumb people….Dumbest States 2021.

State Average IQ
California 95.5
Hawaii 95.6
Alabama 95.7
New Mexico 95.7

What state has the lowest IQ average?

The state with the lowest IQ score turns out to be Mississippi, with the IQ score of residents coming to about 94.2 on average.

Where do the smartest Americans live?

According to the report, these states are home to the most intelligent people in America: Next: 10. Minnesota 10. Minnesota Read more about Minnesota. Where Do the Smartest Americans Live? Nearly two-thirds of Americans think they’re smarter than the average person, according to a 2018 research study published in research journal PLOS One.

Which state is the smartest state in the US?

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These Are The 10 Smartest States In America 1 Vermont. 2 Connecticut. 3 Massachusetts. 4 New Hampshire. 5 Virginia. 6 New Jersey. 7 Maryland. 8 Rhode Island. 9 Maine. 10 Hawaii.

How smart are Marylanders compared to other states?

When you think Maryland, you might think of blue crabs and beaches, but you should be thinking of how smart Marylanders are. Maryland is second to only Masschusetters in percent of the population that has achieved a bachelors degree. 8. Rhode Island Rhode Island is the 8th smartest state.

Is it better to live on the west coast in California?

* Healthier People. Because the lifestyle is much better on the West Coast, there are much happier and healthier people in places like California. The healthier you are, the less you have to pay for health insurance and crucial life insurance if you have dependents.