Can a cat nurse Another cats kittens?

Can a cat nurse Another cats kittens?

You can separate them and allow the mother cats to bond with their litters. Maybe even a week or so of bonding time will allow the mother and kittens time to recognize their own and keep them to themselves. However, in nature – it is not uncommon for kittens to nurse from other queens. Best of luck!

Can my cat nurse a stray kitten?

If your pregnant cat does become aggressive, be sure to keep the kitten separated so both mom and kitten can be stress-free. Otherwise, as long as mom and kitten are both happy, she should be fine nursing one more!

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Can a cat nurse kittens that aren’t hers?

Occasionally, a mother cat with a new litter will allow her adult offspring to nurse from her. There have even been cases in which a female – pregnant with her own kittens – will nurse from her mother if she has another litter herself.

Do cats kidnap kittens?

This is pretty common behaviour in cats, actually, especially in feral cat colonies; female cats will nurse each other’s kittens and look after them as if they were their own.

How can you tell if a stray cat is nursing?

Nursing Strays The cat may be nursing if she has less hair around her nipples or swollen mammary area. If this is the case, try to locate the kittens and bring them all inside—but never separate them.

Do cats get sad when you give their kittens away?

While it may feel like a mother cat will be upset that her kittens will be taken away, cats don’t think the same way people do. In fact, it’s not uncommon for the mother cat to become uncomfortable with the presence of her kittens after they are weaned and growl at them if they remain for too long.

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Will a mother cat take care of an abandoned kitten?

One of the most heartwarming things to see is a mother cat caressing and feeding her little ones. Even in shelters, abandoned kittens are sometimes put with a nursing mom who will accept and nurture the motherless babies as her own. So what would make a mother cat reject or abandon her kittens?

Why is my kitten not nursing after giving birth?

The kitten might be born with a birth defect, might be the runt, or too weak to nurse. Birth and nursing put a lot of strain on a cat’s body, and it will take months for your cat to recover. From your cat’s perspective, there’s no point in wasting efforts in nursing sick kittens.

Is it normal for a mother cat to reject her kittens?

So, it’s normal that a cat will reject her kittens when they’re about 3-4 months. Most specialists recommend that kittens remain with their mothers until they’re 12 weeks old. By that time, some cats might start growling at their older kittens or “beat” them when they attempted to nurse.

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What do you do when you find a litter of kittens?

1. Assess the situation. Don’t assume that a litter of kittens is orphaned just because you don’t see the mom. It’s common for the mother to leave her babies, so give the kittens a bit of distance and see if the mom returns.