Can a Government employee marry a foreigner?

Can a Government employee marry a foreigner?

3)A Government servant who has married or marries a person other than of Indian nationality shall forthwith intimate the fact to the Government. Yes you can marry a foreigner under Special marriage act and register the marriage and intimate same to department rule is regarding intimation only. You can intimate.

How can I marry a foreign girl?

Additional Or Alternative Documents Required Only From Foreigners:

  1. Proof of residency and address in India.
  2. A valid passport.
  3. Original birth certificate.
  4. Visa.
  5. Certificate of single status.
  6. Letters of no objection through the home country’s embassy regarding the free consent of the parties.

How can I marry a foreign girl in Pakistan?

A foreigner must have to have a valid Pakistan visa at the time of marriage registration. This visa can even a tourist visa. If a foreigner is getting married in Islamabad or Karachi with a Pakistani national then he/she will have to submit 6x passport size photographs, in Lahore 4x photographs are required.

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Can two officers get married?

There are no laws governing military marriage. Military members can marry whomever they want, including same-sex partners.

Can IPS officer marry foreigner?

The Civil Service rules which apply to the IPS officers of all cadres provides that if a civil servant marries a foreign national he shall forthwith intimate the Central Government. The intimation of solemnization/contract of marriage to the government shall be a compliance of the rules.

Can diplomats marry foreigners?

“With the approval to the Public Servant (marriage with foreign national) (amendments) Ordinance 2008, the Foreign Service officers can now marry foreign nationals with the permission of the President,” a Cabinet division spokesman said.

How can I find a good wife?

How to Find a Wife: 11 Ways to Find the Ideal Partner

  1. Use daily encounters to meet new people.
  2. Online dating.
  3. Spend time with friends and their friends.
  4. Workplace as a dating pool.
  5. Reconnect with old friends.
  6. Volunteer and attend community events.
  7. Go to church or religious gatherings.
  8. Start new hobby or activity.