Can Airlines ask what your disability is?

Can Airlines ask what your disability is?

Generally, airline personnel may not ask what specific disability the person has, but they can ask questions regarding the person’s ability to perform specific air travel-related functions, such as boarding, deplaning or walking through the airport.

What happens if you need medical attention on a plane?

If there’s a medical emergency on a flight, some planes will make an emergency landing so the passenger can get treatment. But on others, sick passengers are treated on board by flight attendants or medical personnel who happen to be on the same flight and volunteer to help.

Can Airlines refuse sick passengers?

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Can airlines refuse sick passengers? Airlines have the right to refuse passengers who have conditions that may get worse or have serious consequences during the flight. If encountering a person they feel isn’t fit to fly, the airline may require medical clearance from their medical department.

Do you have to say you’re a doctor on a plane?

“Although U.S. health care providers traveling on registered U.S. airlines have no legal obligation to assist in the event of a medical emergency… many other countries, such as Australia and many in Europe, do impose a legal obligation to assist (NEJM).”

What is a bulkhead seat?

On every aircraft worldwide, there are seats located against a bulkhead — a wall dividing either crew areas, galleys, or other classes of service on the plane. These seats can be coveted for some flyers, providing extra legroom, and, in some cases, extra service.

Where do disabled passengers sit on a plane?

The aisle chair (also referred to as a straight back or high back) is a small wheelchair that is used to transport immobile passengers from their own wheelchair to a seat on the airplane. Aisle chairs are used during enplaning and deplaning, and can also be used during the flight to access the lavatory.

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Do all flights have a doctor on board?

The law applies in North America and on U.S. carriers, wherever they fly. The decision to divert a plane is never made by the doctor who volunteered to help. Only the pilot can make that determination, typically in consultation with the medical professionals on the ground.

What do I do if my flight has Covid?

For passengers in affected rows or all passengers if rows aren’t specified:

  1. self-monitor for symptoms for 14 days.
  2. isolate immediately if you develop symptoms and contact your public health authority.
  3. contact your public health authority if you have any questions or concerns.