Can modulus be used with float?

Can modulus be used with float?

Yes, \%(modulo) operator isn’t work with floats and double.. if you want to do the modulo operation on large number you can check long long int(64bits) might this help you.

Why are floating point numbers not accurate?

Floating-point decimal values generally do not have an exact binary representation. This is a side effect of how the CPU represents floating point data. The binary representation of the decimal number may not be exact. There is a type mismatch between the numbers used (for example, mixing float and double).

What does the modulus operator compute when floating point operands?

The modulo operator is an arithmetic operator that is used to divide one operand by another and return the remainder as its result. You use the modulo operator to get the remainder of the division between an int variable and 10 and a double variable and 10, as described in the code snippet below.

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Where we Cannot use modulus operator?

The modulus operator cannot be used with a long double. Explanation: fmod(x,y) – Calculates x modulo y, the remainder of x/y. This function is the same as the modulus operator.

Which operator Cannot be used with floating point numbers?

\% operator cannot be used with floating point numbers in C & C++.

Why do floating errors occur?

Floating point numbers are limited in size, so they can theoretically only represent certain numbers. Everything that is inbetween has to be rounded to the closest possible number. This can cause (often very small) errors in a number that is stored.

Which of the following operators Cannot be used on a float or double type?

Bitwise Operators
16 : Bitwise Operators (i) Bitwise operators cannot be applied to float or double. They can be applied to integers only.

Can we use modulus operator in float in Python?

Python modulo operator (\%) is used to get the remainder of a division. The modulo operation is supported for integers and floating point numbers. If one of them is float, the result is also a floating point number.

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Which logical operators Cannot allow?

The logical NOT ( ! ) operator (logical complement, negation) takes truth to falsity and vice versa. It is typically used with Boolean (logical) values. When used with non-Boolean values, it returns false if its single operand can be converted to true ; otherwise, returns true .

How do you find the modulus of a floating point number?

The floating point modulus operator is defined as follows: m = num – iquot*den ; where iquot = int (num/den) As indicated, the no-op of the \% operator on floating point numbers appears to be standards related.

Why is the \% operator not defined for floating point types?

Some other languages do define a distinct char type that does not support arithmetic operations, but C is not one of them. But to answer why it isn’t defined for floating-point types: history. There is no technical reason why it wouldn’t be possible to define the \% operator for floating-point types.

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Does modulus operator work for char and int but not double?

The above code prints “Yes”. Can someone tell why the modulus operator works for char and int but not for double etc.? You already got comments explaining why \% is defined for char: it’s defined for all integer types, and in C, char is an integer type.

Can modulus Division be used to solve float input problems?

I recently ran into an issue that could easily be solved using modulus division, but the input was a float: Given a periodic function (e.g. sin) and a computer function that can only compute it within the period range (e.g. [-π, π]), make a function that can handle any input.