Can we apply modulus on float number?

Can we apply modulus on float number?

Yes, \%(modulo) operator isn’t work with floats and double.. if you want to do the modulo operation on large number you can check long long int(64bits) might this help you.

How do you do Modulus in C++?

C++ provides the modulus operator, \%, that yields the remainder after integer division. The modulus operator can be used only with integer operands. The expression x \% y yields the remainder after x is divided by y. Thus, 7 \% 4 yields 3 and 17 \% 5 yields 2.

Can you use C++ modulus operator with float and int?

\% operator cannot be used with floating point numbers in C & C++. What about Java and C#? This behavior is different in Java & C#. \% operator can be used on floating point numbers in these languages.

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How do you get a float value in C++?

We must add the suffix f or F at the end of a float value….Difference Between float and double.

float double
Size: 4 bytes Size: 8 bytes
Precision: In general, 7 decimal digits precision Precision: In general, 15 decimal digits precision
Example: 3.56f , 3e5f etc. Example: 3.56 , 3e5 etc.

How do you modulus a float?

The modulus is basically finding the remainder. For this, we can use the remainder() function in C. The remainder() function is used to compute the floating point remainder of numerator/denominator. So the remainder(x, y) will be like below.

What does Fmod mean in C++?

The fmod() function in C++ computes the floating point remainder of numerator/denominator (rounded towards zero) The fmod() function in C++ computes the floating point remainder of numerator/denominator (rounded towards zero).

How do you find the modulus?

Modulus on a Standard Calculator

  1. Divide a by n.
  2. Subtract the whole part of the resulting quantity.
  3. Multiply by n to obtain the modulus.
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How do you get positive values in C++?

The abs() function in C++ returns the absolute value of an integer number. This function is defined in the cstdlib header file. Mathematically, abs(num) = |num| .

Does modulus work with float int and float float and int?

The modules operator works with integer values i.e. modulus operator is used to find the remainder of two integer numbers. If the numbers are float or double the the modulus operators doesn’t work.

How do you declare a float variable in C++?

You can define a variable as a float and assign a value to it in a single declaration. For example: float age = 10.5; In this example, the variable named age would be defined as a float and assigned the value of 10.5.

How do you get 2 decimal places in C++?

“c++ print double with 2 decimal places” Code Answer’s

  1. #include
  2. #include
  3. int main()
  4. {
  5. double d = 122.345;
  6. std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << d;
  7. }

How do you calculate modulus?

How do you find the floating modulus in C?

C Language: fmod function (Floating Modulus) In the C Programming Language, the fmod function returns the remainder when x is divided by y. Syntax. The syntax for the fmod function in the C Language is: double fmod(double x, double y); x is divided by y. Returns. The fmod function returns the remainder when x is divided by y. Required Header

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How to find modulus/remainder of non-integer values in C language?

C language | Modulus of two float or double numbers: Here, we will learn how can we find the modulus/remainder of non-integer values in C language? As we know that modules also known as the remainder of the two numbers can be found using the modulus ( \%) operator which is an arithmetic operator in C/C++.

How to find the modulus of two numbers in C++?

As we know that modules also known as the remainder of the two numbers can be found using the modulus (\%) operator which is an arithmetic operator in C/C++. The modules operator works with integer values i.e. modulus operator is used to find the remainder of two integer numbers.

How to find the remainder of two numbers using modulus operator?