Can you combine questions on SPSS?

Can you combine questions on SPSS?

From the top menu bar in SPSS, select Transform -> Compute variable. You should now see the following dialogue box. Place the cursor in the brackets, select the variables you want to merge, and click on the arrow. Repeat with all the variables, separating them with comas.

Can you use Likert scale for multiple regression?

If you are using the Likert-made variable as the dependent variable, you can use an ordered probit. In such case, add all the values of all the variables under each factor so that these values can be considered for multiple regression analysis. This is how it works.

Is Likert scale a dependent variable?

Suppose your dependent variable (DV) is a Likert scale or something similar. That is, it’s some sort of rating, from 1 to 5 or 1 to 7 or some such. and your independent variables are things like age, sex, injury status, time since injury and so on.

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What type of regression is used for Likert scale?

Regression techniques include; Ordered logistic regression or; • Multinomial logistic regression. Alternatively collapse the levels of the Dependent variable into two levels and run binary logistic regression.

What is the main variable in a questionnaire?

Initially you make main variable or domain in which your all 6 scales merged, that would called your main variable. After making main variable summing score obviously goes to your main variable. Have you set cut off score of your questionnaire?

How many questions are there in the questionnaire?

The questionnaire contains 6 categories and each category has 8 questions. 8 items correspond to one variable which means that we have 6*8 = 48 questions in questionnaire. How do I combine the 8 different items into one variable, so that we will have 6 variables?

How many questions are in a 48 item Likert scale?

I have used a 48 item questionnaire – a Likert scale – with 5 points (strongly agree – strongly disagree). The questionnaire contains 6 categories and each category has 8 questions. 8 items correspond to one variable which means that we have 6*8 = 48 questions in questionnaire.

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How many responses should be assigned to each item on scale?

Another school of thought have suggested you all positive responses should be assigned 1, while all negative are assigned 2 and the neutral response 0. However, I am of the opinion that the responses on each item in the scale should be summed to form a single response scale.