Can you die from a scratch in the walking dead?

Can you die from a scratch in the walking dead?

Being bitten or scratched by the undead will turn a living person into a zombie over time, but any member of the recently deceased is destined to rise again with a hankering for human meat.

How does one become a zombie?

The rule is: WHATEVER it is that causes the zombies, is something everyone already has. If you stub your toe, get an infection and die, you turn into a zombie, UNLESS your brain is damaged. If someone shoots you in the head and you die, you’re dead.

Why do zombies bite your neck?

In the film, zombies eat brains to calm the pain they feel from rotting and being dead. Zombies normally bite the upper regions of a human body, mainly the arms or neck. A bite to the neck normally causes someone to bleed to death, though with the zombie virus the person would soon be revived as a zombie.

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Can you turn into a zombie?

It turns out that becoming a zombie is fairly straightforward. If you stub your toe, get an infection and die, you turn into a zombie, UNLESS your brain is damaged. If someone shoots you in the head and you die, you’re dead. A zombie bite kills you because of infection, or blood loss, not because of the zombie “virus.”

Can zombies really bite through clothes?

Even if the zombies are abnormally strong, with three to four layers of clothing, they won’t be likely to bite through. Wrap a towel or sheet around your neck. This approach might be harder in the desert, but even thin long sleeve shirts will likely stop mouth to blood contact even if you still get bruises.

What are the chances of getting zombie infection from getting scratched?

Getting scratched by a zombie has a 25\% chance of receiving the zombie infection, but may also be slightly modified since version 0.1.4?. To put the chance into perspective, scratches are more dangerous than playing Russian Roulette.

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How do I know if I’m infected with zombie infection?

The game will never outright tell you that you are zombie infected. You will instead receive two moodles – Pain (immediately) and Sick (after 0-48 hours) after receiving physical damage (bite or scratch) from a Zombie. The progressing Sick moodle, increasing Pain, and decreasing Health are a giveaway for progressing zombie infection.

What is the difference between bite and zombie infection?

From the partially open game code, it is evident that the bite and infection are handled separately: infection is classified as a “non-lethal wound infection”, and zombie infection is a bite.

Can the hypochondriac trait cause the zombie infection?

After doing some testing, I have found that the “Hypochondriac” trait will cause the player to occasionally get the symptoms of the zombie infection after receiving a scratch, without actually being infected. However, as the player’s “fake infection” reaches critical levels, the player will seem to be “cured” and will regain health.