Do Alsatians still speak German?

Do Alsatians still speak German?

According to France’s Culture Ministry, there are 650,000 Alsatian dialect speakers, as well as 230,000 people who speak it occasionally. It is estimated that as much as a half of the population speaks German dialect. All also speak French, and some speak High German.

Is Strasbourg more French or German?

The city has only been officially German for 51 years of its over two thousand year existence. Strasbourg was originally a free city within the Holy Roman Empire with indeed German being the language used in administration. It was eventually incorporated into France by Louis XIV in 1681. Definitely French.

Why is Strasbourg not in Germany?

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After a struggle for power between its citizens and the bishops in the Middle Ages, Strasbourg became a free city within the Holy Roman Empire. The city reverted to France after World War I. It was occupied by Germany again (1940–44) during World War II.

What percent of Alsace is German?

While 43\% of the adult population of Alsace speaks Alsatian, its use has been largely declining amongst the youngest generations. A dialect of Alsatian German is spoken in the United States by a group known as the Swiss Amish, whose ancestors emigrated there in the middle of the 19th century.

How do you say hello in Alsatian?

The recordings are mainly in the Mulhouse dialect of Alsatian and come from the second video below….Useful phrases in Alsatian.

English Ëlsässisch (Alsatian)
Hello (General greeting) Hallo Güete Tag Buschur Güata Tàg Göte Tàij Grias di wohl Salü Salü bisàmme (Hello everyone)

Is Alsace-Lorraine part of Germany or France?

Alsace-Lorraine, Area, eastern France. It is now usually considered to include the present-day French departments of Haut-Rhin, Bas-Rhin, and Moselle. The area was ceded by France to Germany in 1871 after the Franco-Prussian War.

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How many French speak German?

Native speakers

Country Speakers Percentage
France 748,000 1.2\%
Germany 69,701,200 85.2\%
Hungary 38,248 0.4\%
Kazakhstan 30,413 0.2\%

Why is Alsace French?

Alsace is a region in north-eastern France that borders Switzerland and Germany. The region has been passed between French and German control several times since 1681, when Strasbourg was conquered by French forces. As a result, Alsatian culture is a unique mix of French and German influences.

Do people in Alsace speak French or German?

The official language of Alsace is French. That makes sense, as it’s in France. German, however, is taught in all schools, simply because the proximity to Germany means it’s a very practical necessity.

Who does Alsace-Lorraine belong to?

Alsace-Lorraine was the name given to the 5,067 square miles (13,123 square km) of territory that was ceded by France to Germany in 1871 after the Franco-German War.

How do you say thank you in Alsatian?

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Some Alsatian phrases provided by Francois Boullion….Useful phrases in Alsatian.

English Ëlsässisch (Alsatian)
Please Wënn ‘s beliebt
Thank you Mersi Vielmohls mersi merci vielmols
Reply to thank you ‘S esch nitt de Wart ‘S esch (schon) güet