Do comics have to be read in order?

Do comics have to be read in order?

Absolutely not. You can read as much or as little as you want. If you are only interested in Batman or the X-Men feel free to only read their comics and ignore everything else. If you are going through a larger order, like the Ultimate Marvel order, feel free to skip series you have no interest in.

What comic should I start with?

10 must-read comic books for beginners

  • Saga — Image Comics, Brian K.
  • Scott Pilgrim vs.
  • Hawkeye (2012) — Marvel Comics, Matt Fraction.
  • Watchmen — DC Comics, Alan Moore.
  • The Walking Dead — Image Comics, Robert Kirkman.
  • The Dark Knight Returns — DC Comics, Frank Miller.
  • Superman: American Alien — DC Comics, Max Landis.
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Who is most powerful in Marvel?

The Most Powerful Characters in Marvel (Power Ranking)

Name Powers / Key Victories
One-Above-All (Multiverse) Responsible for the existence of all life in the Multiverse and possibly beyond.
Heart of the Universe Thanos used its power to defeat the Living Tribunal.
Living Tribunal Absolute power over the multiverse.

Do you have to start a comic book with issue 1?

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to start a comic book with issue #1. For many readers, their first issue was not a #1. It was some random number, sometimes in the 100s. For examples, I read a lot of X-Men but I didn’t start with issue #1.

How do I know what kind of comics to read?

Once you have an answer, you can start to look for comic books that match that criteria. Another way of figuring out what kind of comics you want to read is to take a look at what’s available to read. This website has an ever-growing reading recommendations section, well supplied with new reader-friendly reads.

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What’s the best way to buy comic books?

Well, there are several different ways: I took the Trade Paperback approach. If you’re lucky enough to have a comic book shop nearby, then great. Support them! You can pick up single issues and Trades there. If not, your local bookstore usually will have various Trades.

Is Marvel or DC better for comic books?

Entering the world of comics, you may hear the phrase “The Big 2.” This refers to the two largest publishers of comic books: DC and Marvel. The debate over which is better has raged on for many years, but in my experience they both put out equally amazing content. It really all depends on what kind of hero you’re looking for.