Do people prefer long or short podcasts?

Do people prefer long or short podcasts?

RESEARCH SUGGESTS LONGER PODCASTS BUT LOCATION AND TIME OF DAY MAY SUGGEST SHORTER EPISODES. As I have mentioned in a previous blog entry, those who are consuming podcast content prefer listening to longer-form podcast content.

What is the best length for podcasts?

A 15 to 30-minute podcast is ideal for podcasters that produce content around short stories, daily news, and trending topics. This podcast length is common among shows with solo hosts. Popular podcasts that generally stay within 15-30 minutes include The Daily and Blackout.

Do people listen to long podcasts?

The 25\% of Americans who listened to podcasts in the last week listened to an average of 6 hours 39 minutes’ worth. 22\% percent of podcast fans listen to over 22 hours of podcasts a week! 35\% listen to more than 10 different shows per month.

Should podcasts be short?

Focus is important for every podcast, but it’s even more crucial for short podcasts because of their time limitations. Clunis says, “Your episodes need to be tight and free of filler, your topics need to be focused, and you can really only deliver one idea effectively, which means staying on track.”

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Is a 15 minute podcast too short?

No, it can’t be too short. There is no definitive time which a podcast has to reach. Shorter podcasts leave you less time to deliver information, engage and entertain, but can work well if you have a lot of useful tips to share. There are also other factors impacting how long your podcast should be.

Do podcasts have to be a certain length?

There is no right or wrong answer for episode length. Every podcast out there varies depending on several factors. Knowing your content, your audience, and the amount of time you have in your schedule are vital to determining the right podcast episode length for you.

Does length of podcast matter?

In our podcast discoverability and listening habits survey, 18.8\% of respondents said they “feel put off by shorter episodes of 15 minutes or less”, whilst 32\% said they “feel put off by longer episodes of an hour or more”. That means you’re more likely to put off a potential listener by going too long than too short.

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Is 15 minutes too short for a podcast?

No, it can’t be too short. There is no definitive time which a podcast has to reach. Shorter podcasts leave you less time to deliver information, engage and entertain, but can work well if you have a lot of useful tips to share.

Why are podcasts so popular in 2020?

Why Are Podcasts Becoming More Popular? One reason that podcasts are becoming more popular is their convenience. Users can listen to audio episodes while running, cooking, and cleaning, along with numerous other scenarios. As such, they offer an easy way to absorb information while doing something else.

Is a 5 minute podcast too short?

Yes. A podcast is not measured by length. It can be 1 minute or (in some cases ) 6 hours. The point is a podcast needs to be as long as it needs to be, and not a minute more.

How Long Can podcasts be short?

Podcasters have a lot of freedom: no gatekeepers, fewer rules, and no broadcast schedule dictating how long or short each episode needs to be. As a result, podcasts range from as short as a minute to as long as 3+ hours.

Are podcasts too long?

Because, 50\% of Americans say: “podcasts are too long”; that number is similarly high, 35\%, in the Edison Research Latino Podcast Listener Reportin June 2020. Two thirds of listeners do come back to a podcast later to continue listening, according to research of radio fans; but the same survey says 21\% of listeners – one in five – never come back.

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Should podcasts be longer than the average commute time?

If you make a podcast longer than the average commute time, you could reasonably expect that podcast to be less satisfying for those who listen to podcasts while commuting. However, an average – by its very nature – means many peoples’ commute takes shorter, while others take longer.

Do Nigerians prefer shorter or longer podcasts?

A podcast survey in Nigeriaat the end of 2019 says that 54\% of Nigerians prefer podcasts to be shorter than 40 minutes (so nearly half prefer them to be longer.) Perception is reality, though.

How important is editing on a podcast?

Recording is fun, editing can be boring and dull; but it’s important to do, they say, because your number one job as a podcast host is to delight your listeners. If you don’t, they’ll go away. So, according to many podcasters, editing is just as important as finding the right guests or the right content. So: how long should I make my podcast?