Do we still use flak?

Do we still use flak?

As “Flak” existed in the twentieth century, no, however, a modern equivalent of the radar guided air defense gun is deployed widely by all major militaries.

Why does flak explode in the air?

Flak as we know it ( the exploding ordinance variety ) works by using fuses. One may use a timed fuse in the shell. After so many seconds, the shell would detonate like a times bomb. Another, is a barometric fuse, a fuse that’s triggered when a certian altitude is reach by measuring air pressure.

What is flak in World War 2?

Flak typically refers to the anti-aircraft fire coming at one from anti-aircraft guns, derived during World War II from the German Flugabwehrkanone, for “aircraft defence cannon” in turn derived from Flugabwehrgeschütz (flag).

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Are flak cannons effective?

flak gun was very effective. A single hit was pretty much guaranteed to bring down a B-17 or B-24. A near miss could cause enough damage to slow a four engined bomber down to the point it broke formation and was easy meat for the fighters. So, effective it was.

What does a flak cannon shoot?

Across Occupied Europe during World War II, 88 mm guns were often employed to fire at high-flying Allied bomber formations. The heavy gun could propel its 20.25-pound high-explosive shell to altitudes beyond 30,000 feet at a rate of about 15 projectiles per minute.

When was flak invented?

The “88” was the most famous and feared artillery weapon of World War II. Krupp company designers, working in Switzerland to avoid post-World War I treaty restrictions, developed the gun in the late 1920s. The famous “flak” gun got its name from the German word Flugabwehrkanone, meaning aircraft defense cannon.

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Can flak jacket stop bullet?

Although flak jackets offered some basic protection against small caliber bullets and shell fragments (which was valued by their users), ultimately they proved to be less effective than hoped. Nevertheless, it did a good job of stopping shell blasts, rocket fragments, and slow speed bullets fired at a moderate range.

How does flak work?

Flak, or Fliegerabwehrkanone, works by arming artillery class cannons for the use of Anti-Air duties. Flak as we know it ( the exploding ordinance variety ) works by using fuses. One may use a timed fuse in the shell. After so many seconds, the shell would detonate like a times bomb.

What does the word “flak” mean?

Thankfully Berlin lost the war, but the word flak lives on with a new and different meaning. Today the word “flak” essentially means “strong criticism,” as in “I took a lot of flak”—and while the word is commonly used today, few likely know of its origins, which actually date back to World War II and refer to a weapon designed by the Nazis.

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What is a flak gun?

Flak, also known as Triple-A, or ant-aircraft-artillery (AAA) comes in many varieties and sizes. Some are smaller AAA guns and shells that will have a high rate of fire but are not usually visible except those with tracer rounds. They are only effective to certain lower altitudes and do not leave big black clouds as do heavier guns.

How was Flak used in WW2?

The biggest usage of flak was obviously in WW2, and how flak was used was quite interesting. Here’s in excript from the history of warfare concerning the German Flak Divisions. “The German Flak arm was also being strengthened by increasing the size of the 88 mm light batteries from 4 guns to 8.