Do you have to give your neighbors the good side of the fence?

Do you have to give your neighbors the good side of the fence?

If you’re the courteous type and enjoy getting along with your neighbours, you might decide to give them the smooth side, but this is far from being an established convention and there’s absolutely no obligation to do so.

Which side of the fence is yours?

Is it true that every house owns the fence on its left side, as you look at it from the street? There is no general rule about whether you own the fence on the left or the fence on the right of your property.

Who gets the nice side of the fence UK?

You can often guess who owns a fence by looking at where the frames are – the builders or property owners should have put the fence up facing away from their own property so their neighbour gets the ‘good’ side. This should be repeated with the neighbour on the other side so each home has one ‘bad’ and one ‘good’ side.

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Who has responsibility for boundary fences?

The owner of the fence is usually responsible for maintaining the fence. However, this is not always the case. The owner may wish to have the side without the posts – the best side – facing their garden and erect the fence and the posts entirely within their own garden.

Who is responsible for maintaining a party fence?

So, if your deeds indicate that the fence in question is your responsibility, then it is down to you to erect the new fence. Party fences are the joint responsibility of both parties.

Can my Neighbour paint my fence?

Your neighbour doesn’t have to change a wall or fence just because you want them to, for example making it higher for privacy. You can’t make changes to your side without their permission, such as painting it. If the wall or fence seems dangerous, point this out because your neighbour might not be aware.

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Can I build a fence next to my neighbors fence?

You best option is to ask them to join your new fence to it and get a simple contract to protect yourself. Either that or put up all four sides in your property. You may also need to get a permit or permission from city/municipal/HOA depending on your location.

How can you tell if a wood fence is yours?

The best way to determine whether a fence is yours or not is by examining where it falls on the property line. If the fence is placed on your side of the property line between your house and your neighbor’s, the fence is yours.

Which side of the fence should face the yard?

Which side of the fence should face your yard? – The Good Side Faces Out. As a general rule of thumb, the “pretty” side of the fence faces outward. The side with the rails and posts will be visible inside your yard, and the smooth side will face your neighbors, the street or the alley.

Do fences have a good or bad side?

Some fence styles do not have a good or bad side. These are considered “semi-private fences” because there is a small gap between the pickets. One picket goes on one side and the other goes on the next. People walking by can see through the fencing slightly, more so than they would with a complete privacy fence.

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Should fence rails be on the inside or outside of the fence?

Putting the rails on the outside of the fence would make it easy for people to climb up and over. This would be a major safety concern. Giving your neighbors the pretty side of the fence is considered good etiquette. It’s a compromise – I’m putting up a barrier that connects to your property, but you get the good side to look at.

Should I put a fence on the back of my house?

If the back of your home faces an alley, having the railings on the other side won’t take away from your home’s aesthetics. You just need to think about the security threat it may create. Some fence styles do not have a good or bad side. These are considered “semi-private fences” because there is a small gap between the pickets.