Does an electric field exert a force on a current carrying wire?

Does an electric field exert a force on a current carrying wire?

Does an electric field exert a force on a striaght current carrying wire? The force exerted on a moving charge object is zero. neither electric or magnetic. The force exerted on a charged object is proportional to its speed.

What will happen when a current carrying wire is placed in a electric field?

Because the magnetic field created by the electric current in the wire is changing directions around the wire, it will repel both poles of the magnet by bending away from the wire.

Does a current carrying wire produces electric field and magnetic field?

A current carrying wire produces a Magnetic field. Any conductor at any potential, carrying or not, produces an electric field, but for this there must be some other object, somewhere, at a Different potential, for the electric field to exist.

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Why does a current carrying conductor experience a force?

When a current-carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field the wire experiences a force due to the interaction between the field and the magnetic field produced by the moving charges in the wire. That is why the conductor experiences a force.

What force does a current carrying wire feel from another wire?

magnetic field
Two current-carrying wires at given locations with currents out of the page. Strategy Each wire produces a magnetic field felt by the other wire. The distance along the hypotenuse of the triangle between the wires is the radial distance used in the calculation to determine the force per unit length.

Why does a current carrying conductor experience force?

What will happens if a current carrying conductor?

When a current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field, a mechanical force is exerted on the conductor which can make the conductor move. Hint: When a conductor carries current then it generates its own magnetic field around it.

Why does a current carrying wire experience a magnetic force when the wire is placed perpendicular to the magnetic field?

The magnetic field is the Lorentz transform of the electric field. If we boost to the reference frame of the moving charges in your current, an electric field will emerge. The resulting electric force is perpendicular to both the magnetic field and the velocity of the charges in the current.

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Why does a current carrying conductor experience a force in a magnetic field while a simple conductor i 0 Do not experienced any force?

A current carrying conductor produces a magnetic field around it which interacts with the magnetic field in which it is held. Thus, it experiences a force. Direction of this force depends upon the direction of current and the magnetic field.

Why current carrying conductor does not produces electric field?

As we know that a current carrying conductor, such as a metal wire will produce a magnetic field around it, the motion of charge around the wire in the form of concentric circles. So, the conductor does not induce any electric field around itself.

Why a wire carrying an electric current has no electric field around it?

Electric field inside a current carrying conductor is zero as the charges inside it distributes themselves on the surface of the conductor. The net charge in the current carrying wire is zero.

Does a neutral wire experience a force from an electric field?

If the wire is neutral, it will not experience a force due to the electric field, whether it carrying current or not. However, unless we are very careful, current carrying wires usually do have some excess charge when they are energized, so your wire would typically experience some force from the electric field.

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What is the direction of electric field in current carrying wire?

In a current carrying wire,the force experienced by a positive point charge is in the direction of current,so electric field is in the direction of current.But outside a current carrying wire there won’t be any field lines as there is no electric force .

Does a magnetic field exert force on a current carrying conductor?

yes it experience a force due to interaction between current magnetic field and electric field ….the current carrying conductor e will produce its own magnetic field around it and due to the repulsion of moving charges in the wire it will experience some force

What happens to a wire in a magnetic field?

Quite apart from the electric field, a wire also experiences force from the interaction of its own current with the magnetic field that the current creates. The force tends to crush the wire. It is not particularly strong and has no consequence in most situations.
