Does reading fanfiction still count as reading?

Does reading fanfiction still count as reading?

Fanfiction does count as reading. Even though it is a work of a fan gushing on the original work of an author, you can still count this as reading. Fanfiction is only a small part of the different genres of the books that you can read, but it does count as reading.

How do you get rid of reading on fanfiction?

  1. Start slow – reduce the time you spend reading by 15 minutes (go to bed at 4:45 instead of 5:00), then 30, then 45, then an hour.
  2. Stop using your phone/tablet as an alarm and place them out of reach of your bed, so you aren’t tempted to read when you do crawl into bed.
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Is it legal to read fanfiction?

Fanfiction in its current form is an infringement of copyright. Fanfiction is defined by the use of characters and expression from an original creative work and the creation of derivative works, all of which is illegal under current copyright law (McCardle, 2003).

Why do people get addicted to fanfiction?

Because we love our fandoms and we want more. Fanfiction gives us everything we want and it is great. In fanfiction, there’s always a chance that what you want has been written, especially if you want something that canon isn’t giving you!

Is reading fanfiction bad?

No, it’s not unhealthy. Reading fanfiction is not unhealthy, for the most part. But like anything, there can be too much of a good thing. It can be an unhealthy if you are losing sleep, shirking responsibilities, and forgetting to live in the real world.

How do I get over my addiction to fanfiction?

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Delete the reading app or close that tab. It’s better to remove all traces rather than leave them there as future temptations. Replace fanfics with things like crossword puzzles or Reader’s Digest articles. Even better – read devotions and godly books instead!

Can fanfiction be good?

Fanfiction can be very useful for aspiring writers because it teaches them many vital writing skills, it forces them to be vulnerable with their writing, it inspires them to employ the constructive feedback from their readers, and requires them to become very familiar with the source material after which they’re …

What was the first fanfiction website?

Harry Potter and the Fanatic’s Web In October of 1998, the first site dedicated to all facets of fan fiction, fanfiction.net, went live. With this new way to share fanfiction — complete with archives, genre organization and a search function — the medium exploded.

Is reading fanfiction Haram?

There is nothing in Islam that forbids the act of reading fiction and story books.

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Why do people read fan fiction?

People read fan fiction to escape the world and (imagine to ) go somewhere better. This is a form of escapism. But don’t you worry my friend cause I’m here to your rescue.

Why do people feel so comfortable mocking fan fiction authors?

I think the reason people feel so comfortable mocking fan fiction authors is because we’re somehow less “real” or “legitimate” than other writers in their minds, and they don’t think we’ll take personal offense to them mocking our work.

Why read original fiction?

With original fiction, you can be rest assured that even if the author never finishes the 20 books that he or she intended to write, at least you have a finished book and a completed story.

How do I stop reading fanfics?

Quit watching/reading whatever inspires the fanfics you’re reading. Either that or set an alarm to stop reading. And when I mean stop, I mean stop for good. Don’t finish the chapter, or the paragraph, or anything. Just close the window.