How come Gamora came back but not black widow?

How come Gamora came back but not black widow?

She ‘came back’ by being from a different timeline. The end. This Gamora is not the same Gamora we saw in previous films, because she hasn’t experienced the events of any of the previous films she was in. They could not bring back Natasha, because the rules of the Stones strictly forbids it.

Why is Gamora the last of her species?

Gamora’s Backstory Has Changed According to Guardians of the Galaxy, Gamora is the last of her race, the Zehoberi people. Her entire world was slaughtered by Thanos, leaving her the only survivor. In fact, she claims to have watched Thanos kill her parents right before her eyes before “adopting” her as his weapon.

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Did Gamora hide the soul stone?

Unable to let her sister die, Gamora eventually caved in, and revealed the location of the Soul Stone to Thanos, on Vormir. To confirm this, Thanos and Gamora left for Vormir, with him threatening to kill Nebula if she was found to be lying.

Is Thanos Gamora’s biological father?

Gamora is the adopted daughter of Thanos, and the last of her species.

Who is Gamora in Infinity War?

Gamora is the deuteragonist of Guardians of the Galaxy and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and a character in Avengers: Infinity War . She is the adoptive daughter of Thanos, adoptive sister of Nebula, Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive, Cull Obsidian and Ebony Maw and love interest of Peter Quill.

Could Gamora have come back to life?

Thanos did kill her to trade her soul for the Soul Stone in Infinity War, but with all the time travel hijinks, Black Widow also dying for the Soul Stone, and the Hulk snapping the Vanished back to life, it’s not unreasonable to think the original Gamora could have also found a way back to the land of the living.

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Is Thanos Gamora’s real father?

She is the adoptive daughter of Thanos, adoptive sister of Nebula, Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive, Cull Obsidian and Ebony Maw and love interest of Peter Quill. Gamora was born in late 1979 to an unnamed pair of Zehoberei parents and lived with them peacefully on her homeworld.

What happened to Gamora after Iron Man’s snap?

When Iron Man executes his snap, it dusts away Thanos and his forces, but we never see what happens to the Gamora from 2014. When we later see Peter Quill, he’s using the Benatar’s computer to scan for signs of that Gamora, which leads us to believe that she’s still out there somewhere.
