How did Ron Fred and George know to rescue Harry?

How did Ron Fred and George know to rescue Harry?

Ron explains that he was worried when Harry failed to answer his letters and so came to rescue him from the Dursleys. The four boys work together to yank the bars off Harry’s window. This information leads Harry to believe that Dobby must live with Draco Malfoy, Harry’s least favorite person at Hogwarts.

How did Harry and Ron get to Hogwarts in Chamber of Secrets?

Together they first arrived via the boats after travelling on the train to Hogsmeade station. Next year they arrived by flying car, but they also arrived using the carriages pulled by Thestrals and even by floo powder.

What Muggle trick do George and Fred use to help Harry get his belongings out of the cupboard under the stairs?

Using a regular Muggle hairpin, George Weasley picked the lock on Harry’s bedroom door as well as the door to the cupboard under the stairs, when he, Fred, and Ron came to rescue Harry from the Dursley House before Second Year (CS3).

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How did Ron know where to find Harry and Hermione?

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Ron explains that the Deluminator creates a blue light which, after entering his chest near his heart, allows him to disapparate to where his love interest (Hermione) and his best friend (Harry) are located.

What happens to the Weasley’s car?

Ron was worried that his parents might not be able to get back through, so they used the car to fly to Hogwarts. Just as they arrived on school grounds, the car began to break down and they ended up crashing into the Whomping Willow.

What was Fred and George’s Patronus?

Fred and George Weasley have the same Patronus shape: A magpie. Rowling revealed on Twitter that the Weasley twins both cast Patronus charms shaped like a magpie, which is a type of bird. “We have a saying about them in the UK, ‘one for sorrow, two for joy,’ as you might know,” she wrote.

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Why did Harry and Ron get detention in the Chamber of Secrets?

Harry and Ron are called to do their belated detentions for the flying car incident. While Ron is called to help the grouchy caretaker Filch polish trophies, Harry is called to help Lockhart answer his fan mail. Both boys believe they have the worst end of the deal.