How do I know if I have an Entp or Enfp?

How do I know if I have an Entp or Enfp?

ENFPs tend to take things personally and worry a lot about how their words and behavior affect others. ENFPs always get their feelings hurt and obsess over others’ feelings. ENTPs, on the other hand, are assertive, self-sufficient, and a little blunt.

Are ENTPs secretly sensitive?

ENTPs aren’t often known for being sensitive, quite the opposite most of the time. ENTPs like to push buttons and challenge people, and are much more focused on facts and information. Being so sensitive to small changes helps the ENTP to recognize when something is not right.

Are ENTP sensitive to criticism?

Like anyone else the ENTP can have sensitive areas or things which they struggle to really process criticism with. ENTPs do want to be able to take in criticism without being too bothered or offended by it, but this can take some time.

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How can you tell the difference between an ENTP and ENFP?

The ENTP is usually more vocal while expressing their feelings. This is because of their tertiary Fe, through which feelings are expressed outwardly rather than inwardly. On the other hand, the ENFP has auxiliary Fi, which means they tend to keep their feelings to themselves. You can tell by the way they express their emotions!

What is the difference between enfps and intjs?

ENFPs simply have big hearts and are constantly striving to connect with the world around them. Their sense of passion often makes them more sensitive than some other types, but it is also what makes them incredibly special. INTJs are very logical individuals and enjoy focusing on knowledge more than emotions.

Are enfps more prone to being HSP?

Being an HSP is not something which is naturally correlated with personality type, although some might be more commonly seen with these types of behaviors. ENFPs are often seen as sensitive people to begin with, but that doesn’t make them more prone to being an HSP necessarily.

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What are the personality traits of an ENTJ?

ENTJs are strong and focused people, who are always striving to be more efficient and hard-working. They value people who can get things done to the best of their ability, and become extremely irritated when others allow their emotions to control them. ENTJs are not openly sensitive people, and rarely become upset by the words of others.