How do I reconnect with Jesus?

How do I reconnect with Jesus?

Talk to Jesus. The Bible is full of cautionary advice that we need to keep a childlike heart, trusting that Jesus loves, delivers, and saves us and that we can’t earn God’s love or favor. So tell Him you’re sorry for wandering. Tell Him you’re beaten up from neglecting him.

How can I reconnect with God again?

If God is available to us, to meet with us, in creation, then why do we so often miss Him?

  1. Identify an area that has been life-giving in the past and return to it.
  2. Minimize distractions.
  3. Determine if you need solitude or community most right now.
  4. Bring something to prompt your conversation with God.

Are You Losing Your Faith?

You may have indeed lost your faith or you may have just lost your way a bit. Either way, this might be a good time to breathe, to look around and to find joy in what is beside and around you as you travel. If that is all the faith you can muster right now, let it be so. Be encouraged.

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Does God expect you to get your faith right?

God doesn’t expect you to get your faith right, but the good news is that even as we grow still in putting our faith in God, God remains faithful still. God is not the kind of God who will not be gracious or faithful to someone who hasn’t mastered full and complete trust yet. If He did then none of us would be recipients of His unlimited grace.

Does faith have anything to do with feelings?

First, we must understand that faith has nothing to do with our feelings. Putting our faith on the foundation that is emotions can make it very unstable. God likens our faith foundations to being either rock or sand.

Can your faith survive suffering?

(Genuine faith will be tested; false faith will be lost.) If you base your faith on lack of affliction, your faith lives on the brink of extinction and will fall apart because of a frightening diagnosis or a shattering phone call. Token faith will not survive suffering, nor should it.