How do I stop Windows overwriting grub?

How do I stop Windows overwriting grub?

7 Answers

  1. Boot from a live CD (CD/DVD or flash drive).
  2. Become root or use sudo with commands below.
  3. List the available partitions if needed: fdisk -l.
  4. Windows will almost certainly exist on /dev/sda1: mount /dev/sda1 /mnt.
  5. Reinstall GRUB in the MBR: grub-install –root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda.
  6. Reboot: shutdown -r now.

Will Windows 10 overwrite GRUB?

The latest (at the time of writing) Windows 10 versions will probably break grub once you boot into Windows, but it can be prevented. Note that this method will only work if Linux has been installed in UEFI mode, so you’ll get an error if Linux has been installed in Legacy mode.

Is Grub boot loader necessary?

You don’t actually need GRUB (Grand Unified Boot Loader) boot loader as it is by default boot loader and manager for Ubuntu since version 9.10. If you look into the booting process, after BIOS and MBR, GRUB gives you the option of choosing your kernel.

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Do I need GRUB boot loader in Kali Linux?

Without the boot loader your kali won’t boot. You’ll have to use any live linux usb to boot. Then you can install grub using the following commands.

Can I disable grub?

If what you want to do is hide GRUB. This is possible, and quite easy. Press Alt + F2 and paste this before hitting Enter : gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub . Remove the two # s before GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT and GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET .

Is GRUB a good bootloader?

GNU GRUB is a popular and probably the most used multiboot Linux boot loader available, based on the original GRUB (GRand Unified Bootlader) which was created by Eirch Stefan Broleyn. It comes with several improvements, new features and bug fixes as enhancements of the original GRUB program.

Should I install grub on a VM?

Since there is no other operating systems and boot loaders on a virtual disk, it is necessary to install GRUB in this case. Select Yes to install GRUB. Select a disk to which GRUB must be installed. In this case, /dev/sda is the necessary disk and is the only disk connected to a VM.

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How do I load a kernel?

You can load a kernel image by the command kernel and then run the command boot . If the kernel requires some parameters, just append the parameters to kernel , after the file name of the kernel. Also, please refer to OS-specific notes, for the information on your OS-specific issues.

What is the default boot loader in Windows 10?

The simple text-based boot loader is now disabled by default and in its place, there is a touch-friendly graphical user interface with icons and text. Windows 10 has this as well. In a dual boot configuration, the modern boot loader shows a list of all installed operating systems.

How to boot Kali Linux without GRUB installed?

The above commands are mandatory if grub was not installed during the kali installation. However if grub is present in EFI system partition but entry of kali is missing from boot menu options then you don’t have to do those efforts. Just select Boot from EFI just below the Windows Boot Manager.

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Why is there no entry of Kali in the boot menu?

You can see the entry of Windows boot manager but there is no entry of kali in boot menu. The reason can be failed grub installation or Windows major updates. If you update UEFI it deletes the entry of kali from NVRAM. If you update UEFI from 1.x to 2.x then entry of Grub is removed from the boot-menu.

Why can’t I install Grub on Windows 10?

The reason can be failed grub installation or Windows major updates. If you update UEFI it deletes the entry of kali from NVRAM. If you update UEFI from 1.x to 2.x then entry of Grub is removed from the boot-menu.

How do I run Kali Linux from EFI mode?

In hp PCs boot menu options, select Boot from EFI just below the Windows Boot Manager. Go to System>EFI>kali>grubx64.efi Once kali boots open terminal and enter these commands