How do INFJs see INTJs?

How do INFJs see INTJs?

The INFJ and INTJ share an introverted intuition dominant function (Ni-dom), which allows them to see multiple future-oriented perspectives (and throw in cynical dark humour sarcasm that both of us can appreciate and laugh at).

Can INTJs be manipulative?

Any MBTI type can be manipulative. INTJs attempt to use logic as their major tool for persuaded others. INTJ’s will both criticize and accept criticism in an attempt to keep things out in the open. But brought up in an environment of manipulation, they will use it as a tool, perhaps not as skillfully as other types.

When does an INFJ explode?

One of the most likely situations for the INFJ to really explode on someone, is when that person hurts another individual, especially someone the INFJ loves. They can become very protective of their loved ones and don’t want to just allow people to hurt them.

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What do INFJs and intjs have in common?

It’s not as if INTJs are thinking dominant and INFJs are feeling dominant. Both are intuitive dominant types – so both have quite a lot in common. We can understand this by looking at the cognitive function stacks of each type below:

Why do INFJ’s always fail?

Whenever things fail, INFJs obsess about it and their role in the failure. They drive themselves insane by thinking about what they should have or shouldn’t have done or said. The same holds true even in situations where they don’t have any control over the events.

What do intjs think about when they make decisions?

INFJs think about the emotional impacts that all of their decisions will have on others. That’s the first thing they consider. Afterward, they may analyze the logic of the decision, but the ultimate priority is placed on interpersonal needs. INTJs support their intuition with a desire to create efficiency and logical structure in their environment.

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Do INFJs overreact and exaggerate?

INFJs are an emotional type, and other types might feel like INFJs tend to overreact and exaggerate. Overreacting or not, their feelings are true to INFJs, and their suffering is real. INFJs will generally put off confronting people for the sake of harmony, causing themselves even more emotional turmoil and suffering.