How do you calculate approach speed?

How do you calculate approach speed?

The final approach speed is based on the reference landing speed – Reference Speed (Vref) and it is defined as 1.3 times the stall speed with full landing flaps or with selected landing flaps. The final approach speed is defined as Vref plus any required corrections.

What is the airspeed to extend the flaps to 10 degrees?

Slowing from 140 KIAS, the speed is still well above its top-of-the-white-arc airspeed, 100 knots. Nevertheless, the pilot reaches for the flap switch and extends 10 degrees of flaps. Then, when the aircraft has slowed to 120 KIAS, the pilot extends another 10 degrees of flaps.

What is the landing speed of a Cessna 152?


1978 Cessna 152 1985 Cessna 152
Max. Structural Cruising Speed 111 KIAS 111 KIAS
Stall Speed Clean 48 Knots 48 Knots
Stall Speed Landing Configuration 43 Knots 43 Knots
Climb Best Rate 715 FPM 715 FPM
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Is VREF approach speed?

The final approach speed is based on the reference landing speed, VREF. VREF usually is defined by the aircraft operating manual (AOM) and/or the quick reference handbook (QRH) as: 1.3 x stall speed with full landing flaps or with selected landing flaps.

What V speed is approach speed?

ICAO Aircraft Approach Category

Aircraft category VAT Range of speeds for initial approach (and reversal and racetrack procedures)
A <91 90 – 150
B 91 – 120 120 – 180
C 121 – 140 160 – 240
D 141 – 165 185 – 250

What is the landing speed of a Cessna 172?

Landing speed of a 172 is about 43kts, less when light.

How is takeoff airspeed affected by flaps?

Flaps reduce aircraft stalling speed by increasing lift and it enables you to lift-off at a lower airspeed. Resulting in a shorter ground run. It also reduces the rate of climb (and angle) due to a somewhat higher drag. You must always use the recommended flap setting for the given circumstances.

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What is the cruising speed of a Cessna 150?

122 mphCessna 150 / Cruise speed

What is the reference stall speed?

Definition. 1.3 times the stalling speed in the stated landing configuration and at the prevailing aircraft weight. This is the speed required as the landing runway threshold is crossed at a height of 50 feet in landing configuration if the calculated aircraft performance is to be achieved.

What are the different approach categories?

ICAO Aircraft Approach Category

Aircraft category VAT Range of final approach speeds
A <91 70 – 110
B 91 – 120 85 – 130
C 121 – 140 115 – 160
D 141 – 165 130 – 185

How do you land a C-152 with full flaps?

Apply full flaps (30 degrees) as needed and establish 60 KIAS glide. (trim as needed) The normal Cessna landing is made with full flaps. Full flaps improve landing accuracy. Crosswind or strong gusty winds are the only justification for using minimal flaps. C-152s can be slipped with flaps according to the POH.

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How do you use flaps on a Cessna?

A shallower bank extends the “blind” time in the turn. Apply full flaps (30 degrees) as needed and establish 60 KIAS glide. (trim as needed) The normal Cessna landing is made with full flaps. Full flaps improve landing accuracy. Crosswind or strong gusty winds are the only justification for using minimal flaps.

What happens when a C-152 is at full rich?

Cessna in a 152 Owners Advisory Letter has indicated that a C-152 which is run at full rich will result in a 40\% increase in consumption along with a 70 minute reduction in flight time. The same figures would probably apply to other Cessnas.

What is the difference between the C-152 and C-150?

There is just enough difference in a C-152 to create stress and interfere with your thought processes. The engineering of the C-152 is similar to the 150 except that where maximum flaps are only 30 degrees a 1/2 turn of trim seems sufficient for each 10 degrees of flap.