How do you say my exams are finished?

How do you say my exams are finished?

“My exams are finished.” “My exams have finished.” Both statements are correct, and the meaning is the same. I would choose ‘My exams are finished’, or ‘My exams are over’.

Which is correct exam or exams?

An exam or examination is an official test that shows your knowledge or ability in a particular subject. Exam is the word most commonly used. Examination is more formal and is used mainly in written English. I was told the exam was difficult.

How was your exam correct sentence?

The correct sentence will be – How did your exam go? or it can also be – How was your exam? The sentence given in the question is totally wrong, and is also sounding weird. Even the placing of question mark after a space is wrong.

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How was your exams answer?

I’d try something like “I did my best and I’m hoping for a positive outcome”. Or “as well as can be expected, and I’m not too worried”. Otherwise a simple “oh, it was fine” should suffice. Originally Answered: How do you respond when someone asks how was your exam?

Has just finished grammar?

The train has just arrived. I have just finished my homework. Having said that, In American English it’s acceptable to use” just” with simple past as well as with present perfect to express that something recently happened. I just finished my homework.

Are exams singular?

The plural form of exam is exams.

How do you ask someone for their exams?

Better don’t ask anyone about exams.. In worst case if you need to ask them, make sure you start the conversation with any general topic and then calmly ask “So, how was your exam?” and please don’t miss the smile on you face while asking this question.

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How were your exams or how was your exams?

Both sound equally acceptable to me, and equally likely to be used. If I look for a difference, I would say that ‘How did your exam go?’ focuses on your experience of the exam.

What do you say to someone after an exam?

Short Text Messages

  1. Good luck on your exams!
  2. Wishing you all the best on your test!
  3. Go get ’em, tiger!
  4. You’ve got this.
  5. Don’t think about the test; think about the A!
  7. You’ve made it so far, and you only have a little ways to go.
  8. The test is in the bag.