How long does it take two pipes to fill a tank?

How long does it take two pipes to fill a tank?

SOLUTION: Two pipes fill a storage tank in 9 hours. If the larger pipe fills the tank three times as fast as the smaller one, how long would it take the larger pipe to fill the tank alone? Question 336079: Two pipes fill a storage tank in 9 hours.

How long does it take to fill a septic tank?

SOLUTION: Working together, two pipes can fill the tank in 2 hours and 6 minutes. Working alone, the larger pipe fills the tank in 4 hours less time than the smaller on. How long does the la SOLUTION: Working together, two pipes can fill the tank in 2 hours and 6 minutes.

How long does it take for a water tank to empty?

The pipe can empty in 12 hours, therefore the rate of emptying is, 1/12th part of the tank. If both the pipes are opened togetger i.e at the same time the filling rate per hour would be..

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How many hours does it take to fill 5 liters of water?

The total time taken is 5 hours. If A is opened first for 1 hour and then B is opened for 1 hour, they will fill 5L in 2 hours. Number of such cycles = [12/5] = 2 or 4 hours. Remaining 2L will be filled by A in 1 hour. 8 clever moves when you have $1,000 in the bank.

Two pipes, a and b, can fill a tank in 36 hours and 46 hours respectively. If both pipes are opened simultaneously, how long will it take them to fill the tank? – Quora Two pipes, a and b, can fill a tank in 36 hours and 46 hours respectively. If both pipes are opened simultaneously, how long will it take them to fill the tank?

In 1 hr both pipes together fill 1/9th part of the tank. This means, together they fill the tank in 9 hrs. Q 2. Two pipes can fill a tank in 6 hours and 8 hours respectively while a third pipe empties the full tank in 12 hours.

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How long will the waste pipe take to empty the tank?

Two pipes fill the tank in 12min and 15min.There is also a waste pipe in the tank.When all the three are opened,the empty tank is full in 20 min.How long will the waste pipe take to empty the tank? Two pipes can fill a tank in 4 hours and 12 hours .If two pipes are operate simultaneously, In how much time will the tank be filled?

How many TAPS does it take to fill a tank?

Three taps P,Q and R can fill a tank in 10,20 and 30 hours respectively. If A is open all the time and Q and R are open for one hour each alternatively ,the tank will be fill in