How many fragging incidents were there in Vietnam?

How many fragging incidents were there in Vietnam?

Over the course of the entire Vietnam War, there were 800 documented fragging attempts in the Army and Marine Corps. By another account, over 1,000 such incidents were thought to have occurred. Between 1969 and 1970 alone, the U.S. Army reported 305 fraggings.

What was fragging in the Vietnam War?

“Fragging is a macabre ritual of Vietnam in which American enlisted men attempt to murder their superiors. The word comes from the nickname for hand grenades, a weapon popular with enlisted men because the evidence is destroyed with the consummation of the crime.

Why did fragging happen?

In America’s earlier 20th-century wars, fraggings and homicides by other means typically occurred during combat situations when officers who were deemed incompetent, overly aggressive or otherwise considered a danger, would be killed by enlisted men under their command. Fragging of this sort also occurred in Vietnam.

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What was fragging in the Vietnam War quizlet?

Fragging is the killing of an American Military officer by a fellow American. Soldiers killed officers who ordered them on the battlefield.

Did South Korea apologize to Vietnam?

In 2017, Moon Jae-in apologised vaguely to Vietnam, although the issue was minimized by the Vietnamese media and South Korean media as it wasn’t seen as an official apology, and South Korean civil groups and individuals have also taken a pro-active effort in reconciliation.

Was Vietnam or Korea worse?

In terms of casualties, Vietnam was worse by 211K to 128K. However, the Korean War casualties were incurred in a significantly shorter time, making the intensity worse. Politically, Vietnam would appear to have been far worse.

What was fragging quizlet?

Why did fragging happen during the Vietnam War?

As the Vietnam War dragged on, soldiers began to see the war as unjust and unwinnable, leading to openly mutinous behavior. By way of a “fragmentation grenade,” from which the term “fragging” was derived, a soldier could effectively do away with an officer without leaving any evidence.

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What grenades were used in the Vietnam War?

The Mk 2 grenade (initially known as the Mk II) is a fragmentation type anti-personnel hand grenade introduced by the U.S. armed forces in 1918. It was the standard issue anti-personnel grenade used during World War II and in later conflicts, including the Vietnam War.

Were there tanks in the Vietnam War?

The heavily armored, 90 mm M48A3 Patton tank saw extensive action during the Vietnam War and over 600 were deployed with US Forces. They played an important role in infantry support though there were few tank versus tank battles. The M67A1 flamethrower tank (nicknamed the Zippo ) was an M48 variant used in Vietnam.