How many listeners does a podcast need to get sponsors?

How many listeners does a podcast need to get sponsors?

Sponsorship type It can be CPM, value-based, or affiliate. In the CPM (Cost Per Mille) approach, a sponsor pays for every 1000 downloads or views. If your CPM rate is $30 and your podcast is downloaded or listened to 10,000 times, you get paid $300. This approach best fits podcasts with a large audience.

How much can you charge for a podcast sponsorship?

Prices for podcast sponsorships are typically based on the number of average downloads. Sponsors pay on a cost per mille (CPM) basis. Rates range from $18 to $50 CPM, though podcasts like This American Life or HowStuffWorks with millions of listeners can pull in a lot more.

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How do I get advertising on my podcast?

There are three ways that you can run your sponsorships: (1) By finding the advertisers through your podcast host, (2) By selling the ad spots yourself, or (3) Waiting for advertisers to come to you. Podcasts hosts such as Libsyn and Blubbry often contact shows hosted on their service with advertising opportunities.

What are podcast sponsors?

A podcast sponsor, or advertiser, pays you to promote their goods or services over one or more podcast episodes. You’re free to get a little creative, but usually, hosts use one of two ways to run ads: radio-style or host-read.

Why you should sponsor a podcast?

Sponsoring a podcast is essentially advertising your brand/product/service/company on a specific show. Podcast hosts go beyond just mentioning your brand. They encourage their audience to become a customer and then usually incentivize them with a special offer only listeners get.

Is podcast advertising effective?

Podcast listeners also scored high in terms of engagement with ads, as well as responsiveness with 76\% of listeners saying they’ve taken action after hearing a podcast ad, which could include visiting a site, making a purchase, or taking out a subscription****.

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What is the target audience for podcasts?

According to the same report, half of all podcast listeners are aged 12 to 34, with listeners 35+ making up the other half. But don’t be fooled into thinking that podcasts are just a fad for young people. As the listeners themselves age, these age brackets will shift as well.

What are the benefits of podcasts for businesses?

Increased Traffic Generation. Using podcasts can help you reach out to new audiences for your business. Podcasts can help in building familiarity with a wide range of audiences. Listeners usually subscribe to the series and regularly listen.

What makes a great podcast audience?

Podcast listeners are among the most engaged and loyal audiences ever. The nature of the medium means that podcast hosts speak directly into our ears for over 30 minutes at a time, and many listeners build a strong affinity with the content and show host.

What are the different types of ads in podcast sponsorships?

I also learned that there are three main categories of ads in podcast sponsorships: 1 Pre‐roll: ~15–30 second ad at the start of the show. 2 Mid‐roll: ~1-minute ad in the middle of the show. 3 Post‐roll: ~15–30 second ad at the end of the show. More

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How do podcast advertisers measure success?

The traditional success metrics are impressions and downloads per show. Obviously, the higher the numbers, the better. Podcast advertisers generally choose to have a dedicated landing page and a promotional offer for each podcast they sponsor – this is how they track conversions and the overall success of their ads.