Is beef eaten in West Bengal?

Is beef eaten in West Bengal?

Yes some people in West Bengal eat beef. Most muslims eat beef. Many villagers eat beef(buffalo) in festivals where animal sacrifices are still prevalent. Many modern day hindus(the IT generation) also eat beef, though they do not cook it at home or tell their conservative parents/relatives about it.

Is beef available in Bengal?

Sale of beef and its consumption are not illegal in Bengal. There are also exclusive Mughlai joints where beef is served (though many others have “no beef ” posters just like many restaurants have “no pork” written on menus).

Do people in Kolkata eat beef?

Beef has been produced and consumed in Kolkata since Job Charnock united the three villages of Sutanuti, Gobindapur and Kalikata. From then till now, broadly Muslims and Christians eat it, Hindus do not. Beef dishes in Kolkata can be divided into two broad categories: Those cooked in a Muslim setting.

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Is it OK for Indians to eat beef?

Overall, India consumes the least amount of meat per capita. Hindus who do eat meat, often distinguish all other meat from beef. The respect for cow is part of Hindu belief, and most Hindus avoid meat sourced from cow as cows are treated as a motherly giving animal, considered as another member of the family.

Do Bengali Brahmins eat beef?

Even all Brahmins are not vegetarians. In Bengal, Brahmins eat fish, and sacrifice goats and buffalo to Goddess Kali. However, the Brahmins in North and South India are vegetarians, except the Kashmiri Brahmins.

Do Muslims eat beef?

Lamb, beef, goat and chicken, for example, are halal as long as a Muslim kills them and offers a prayer. Fish and eggs are also halal. A Muslim does not eat generally available meat or food that contains animal fats, in case it contains pork fat or fat from other animals not ritually slaughtered.

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Do Bengali eat non veg in Navratri?

It is not only that Bengalis eat non-veg in Durga Puja. In many states, Brahmins also consume meat and fish during Durga Puja. They believed that Durga Maa and Chandika Devi are fond of wine and meat. Therefore, to make them happy, it is necessary to offer meat and alcohol.

Do Punjabis eat beef?

Generally Sikhs do not eat beef because Sikhism originated in Punjab and most Sikhs came from agrarian background so they valued cows and buffaloes. Most Sikh converts came from Hindu families so they had no tradition of eating beef.

Did Rajputs eat meat?

So what do the Rajputs eat now that their menu has been depleted by more than half? They were always meat eaters, since hunting provided them with entertainment and social status besides good food. Fish and seafood does not figure in their cuisine due to geographical location and topography.