Is Darth nihilus the most powerful force user?

Is Darth nihilus the most powerful force user?

Darth Nihilus was an extremely powerful Sith Lord, and most likely in the top 10. Anyone who wasn’t an experienced Force user in his presence alone would eventually turn into a husk without Nihilus even attempting to do so. His draining feats did make him an extremely powerful Sith, but also extremely vulnerable.

Is Darth nihilus a force user?

Darth Nihilus was adept in many aspects of the Force. He used his dark variant of the Sever Force ability to betray Darth Traya alongside Darth Sion by stripping her of the Force and casting her out of the Sith Order. Nihilus could also use the Force to lift starships, as he did on Malachor V with the Ravager.

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Who is stronger than Darth nihilus?

No. Palpatine is the most powerful Sith to ever exist. He has performed force drain arguably better than Nihilus’, can destroy planets in a fraction of a second if he wishes, can destroy stars etc. Nihilus is more powerful than most of the other Sith, but not Sidious.

What Force Powers does Darth Nihilus have?

Powers and Abilities Nihilus is able to sense Force-sensitives throughout the galaxy and can wipe out anything linked to the Force on a planet, feeding on their Force energy.

What force abilities does Darth nihilus have?

Nihilus is able to sense Force-sensitives throughout the galaxy and can wipe out anything linked to the Force on a planet, feeding on their Force energy. However this hunger controls Nihilus and it increases in intensity each time he feeds, to the point that he instinctively feeds on everyone around him.

Is nihilus the most powerful Sith?

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Palpatine is the most powerful Sith to ever exist. He has performed force drain arguably better than Nihilus’, can destroy planets in a fraction of a second if he wishes, can destroy stars etc. Nihilus is more powerful than most of the other Sith, but not Sidious.

Is Darth Nihilus the strongest Sith?