Is Hondo Ohnaka a good guy?

Is Hondo Ohnaka a good guy?

This is a man who once captured not one, but two Jedi and a Sith and effectively held them hostage, despite not being Force-sensitive himself. Honorable by his own code, Hondo is as good as his word, and leans more towards Chaotic Good than he’d like to admit.

Why were the Separatists and the Republic fighting?

The Separatists wanted to gut the Republic and its economy by withdrawal. That wasn’t going to be allowed to happen. The Republic was adamant about fighting the Seperatists because forcing the Republic into war was the key component of Palpatine’s plan to take power.

Did Hondo join the rebellion?

Following the skirmish at the Lothal cliff-dwelling, Hondo took part in the Rebels’ attack on the Imperial Complex, where he and the others were disguised as prisoners.

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Why did the Jedi side with the Republic?

Originally Answered: Why is Jedi Order involved in politics during Clone Wars? The Jedi were affiliated with the Republic for so long that they lost the sense of their true purpose. They basically became a Force sensitive guardians of the Republic, defended it no matter what and were blinded by what it has become.

Is Hondo Ohnaka a bounty hunter?

Following his encounter with Count Dooku and the Jedi, Hondo and the Ohnaka Gang began raiding the fungi-covered planet of Felucia. They routinely raided a nysillin spice village, prompting the Felucian villagers to hire a band of four bounty hunters for their protection.

Is Hondo Ohnaka evil?

Type of Villain Hondo Ohnaka is a recurring anti-hero from the Star Wars universe, appearing in the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, as well as in Star Wars Rebels.

Why did planets want to leave the Republic?

Count Dooku tells Obi-Wan that the corruption in the Republic is due to the fact that the Senate is under the influence of a Sith lord named Darth Sidious.

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Why did the Separatists come to North America?

The Pilgrims and Puritans came to America to practice religious freedom. … The Separatists, under the leadership of William Bradford, decided to leave England and start a settlement of their own so that they could practice their religion freely.

What happened to Hondo Ohnaka?

Ohnaka’s tenuous relationship with the Republic was not reciprocated in the Confederacy, and his base was destroyed by Confederate General Grievous under the order of Dooku. Despite the destruction of his base and a brief fracture of his gang, Ohnaka managed to survive the duration of the war.

How did melch survive?

Melch’s fellow Ugnaught crew were killed boarding it, but Melch survived. Melch was bitter that Hondo had abandoned them but reconciled with Hondo when the latter offered to give him a two percent stake in the treasure. Melch survived the dangerous second attempt to retrieve cargo from the Imperial ship.

Who is Hondo Ohnaka?

Hondo Ohnaka was a male Weequay pirate who led the Ohnaka Gang on the Outer Rim world of Florrum during the Clone Wars. Hondo would occasionally work with the Galactic Republic, but wasn’t above betraying them. Following the rise of the Galactic Empire, Hondo lost his entire crew and began working on his own.

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What did Ohnaka do to Dooku at the party?

Ohnaka arranged a meeting between the Jedi and Dooku, so the Republic could confirm the count’s capture. At a Weequay party afterwards, revelry abounded, with drunkenness, food, dancing and merriment. Kenobi and Skywalker remained on their guard, but Hondo insisted they have a drink.

Who is the leader of the Ohnaka Gang?

Hondo Ohnaka was a male Weequay pirate who led the Ohnaka Gang on the Outer Rim world of Florrum during the Clone Wars. Hondo would occasionally work with the Galactic Republic, but wasn’t above betraying them.

What does Ohnaka do for a living?

Ohnaka authored the Book of Hondo, an outline of his philosophy that inspired many well-known outlaws, before later creating shipping company Ohnaka Transport Solutions, which he ran on the planet Batuu . “As my sweet mother always said, ‘Son, if one hostage is good, two are better, and three, well, that’s just good business!'”