Is it fair ball if it hits the foul pole?

Is it fair ball if it hits the foul pole?

If not touched by a fielder, any batted ball that first contacts the field in fair territory beyond first or third base — with the foul lines and foul poles counting as fair territory — is considered fair.

Why is the foul pole in fair territory?

The foul pole is considered fair territory because it is a vertical extension of the foul line, which is also considered fair territory. To be considered foul, a batted ball must not come in contact with any part of the foul pole or foul line.

Is it a homerun if it hits the wall?

Unless provided otherwise by a local ground rule, a fair fly ball striking the top of the outfield wall and bounding over is a home run.

Is a ball fair if it hits the line?

The foul lines are formed between home plate and first base and home plate and third base. They extend all the way to the outfield. The lines themselves are considered fair territory. If a ball is foul and the batter has less than two strikes, then he will be given a strike.

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Why is it called the foul pole?

A ball that hits the foul line (and, by extension, the foul pole) is fair. The line and pole mark the end of fair territory and the beginning of foul territory. Thus they are called the foul line and pole, and anything that hits the line is in fair territory.

What is foul pole?

The foul pole is what demarcates whether a ball which passes above the outfield fence is fair or foul. While the foul pole is often indeed a pole rising from the corners of the outfield fence where it meets the left or right foul line, it can also be a narrow netting or a line painted on a structure.

What is the difference between fair territory and foul territory give at least one situational example of each?

Fair and Foul Territory Before the ball is in play, all fielders (except the catcher), must be in fair territory. Foul territory is everything outside the first base and third base lines extending to the fence. Foul territory includes the stands, dugouts, and on-deck circles.

What is the yellow line in baseball?

If a park has a yellow line running along the top of the fence, as Coors Field does, the ball must clear the yellow line. If the ball hits any part of the yellow strip and goes over the fence, it is ruled a home run.

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What happens if a baseball hits the ceiling in a dome?

Any ball that hits the speaker or roof in foul territory is a foul ball; if however the ball is caught by a fielder, the batter is out and the base runners advance at their own risk. On July 5, 1992, Twins outfielder Chili Davis was victimized by one of those giant speakers suspended over right field.

What happens if a ball hits the foul line?

The foul lines are fair as long as the ball remains in contact with them. If the ball moves past the foul lines into foul territory it is foul only if it is before first base or third base.

What is a foul pole?

noun Baseball. either of two poles, one on each foul line, being the vertical continuation of the outfield fence or wall, used by the umpire as a sight line in determining whether a fly ball hit near the foul line is a fair or foul ball.

Does the ball have to hit the foul pole to be fair?

The ball only needs to touch the foul pole to be fair — even grazing the pole is sufficient. If a ball hits the pole directly — without touching the ground first — it is ruled a home run, allowing all the runners to advance to home plate.

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What is the purpose of the foul poles in baseball?

The foul poles are used to help the umpire judge whether a ball that goes over the fence is fair or foul. A ball that goes over the fence on the outside of the foul pole is considered foul; if it goes out between the poles it is ruled fair.

Does it matter if the ball bounces into foul territory after hitting?

It does not matter if the ball bounces into foul territory after hitting the pole. The ball only needs to touch the foul pole to be fair — even grazing the pole is sufficient. If a ball hits the pole directly — without touching the ground first — it is ruled a home run, allowing all the runners to advance to home plate.

What happens if you hit a ball over the fence?

A ball that goes over the fence on the outside of the foul pole is considered foul; if it goes out between the poles it is ruled fair. The foul pole itself is considered part of fair territory.
