Is it OK to live under a mobile tower?

Is it OK to live under a mobile tower?

Being exposed to a mobile tower located within 50-metres is like being in a microwave oven for 24 hours, say experts, and carries the same cancer risk as living surrounded by lead, DDT, chloroform and petrol exhaust. Two of the three Kasliwal brothers were recently diagnosed with cancer.

How far away from cell tower is safe?

Current studies suggest both short-term and long-term health risks within 300-400 meters of a cell tower. Thus, great precautions should be taken to site cell towers away from the most vulnerable segments of the population, such as children.” www.wireless-precaution.com/main/doc/CellPhoneTowerEffects.pdf and …

Can mobile tower installed in residential area?

As long as they have a structural safety certificate from a designated institute, the approval of the municipal authority and sign an indemnity bond stating that they would be responsible for any losses or injuries caused by the tower, companies are free to install mobile towers in residential areas, if they have the …

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How do I file a complaint against a mobile tower?

LODGE YOUR COMPLAINTS Cell tower radiation complaints can be registered on www.dot.gov.in through a link ‘public grievance – EMF radiation’ A DoT team will visit your society for which a fee of Rs 4,000 will be charged If radiation levels higher than the prescribed limit are detected, the fee will instead be charged …

Is it safe to live near a cell phone tower?

A cell phone tower. The best advice I can give if you’re looking into the side effects of living near a cell phone tower is to try and avoid it. Even if there aren’t conclusive answers on the long-term health impacts, there’s definitely enough emerging evidence for you to avoid it if possible.

Are cell phone antennas on apartment roofs a security risk?

If you have a cell phone antenna on the roof of your apartment, you are not under direct threat. The microwave beams are looking outwards and you are most probably in the shadow area for the tower. The beams that are “thrown” by the cell phone tower antennas are directed outwards from the premise.

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Can cell towers be on your roof?

In most cases, cell tower on your building roof do not adhere to construction norms. Moreover, they do not respect regulations set by TERM cells on cell tower radiation. Naturally, people are worried about radiation in their homes from antennas at close quarters and on their roofs.

What are the disadvantages and side effects of living near a cell tower?

So, what are the disadvantages and side effects of living near a cell phone tower? Although opinions vary, living in a house near a cell phone tower can come with a range of side effects, from headaches to cancer.