Is it possible that the universe is not infinite?

Is it possible that the universe is not infinite?

The observable universe is finite in that it hasn’t existed forever. It extends 46 billion light years in every direction from us. (While our universe is 13.8 billion years old, the observable universe reaches further since the universe is expanding).

What if the universe is a sphere?

All other cosmological data suggests the universe is flat, meaning it has no curvature, similar to a sheet of paper. These Planck measurements indicate that it could be “closed”, or spherical, which would mean that if you travelled far enough in one direction, you would end up back where you started.

Is the universe a 3 torus?

The three-Torus model is a cosmological model proposed in 1984 by Alexei Starobinsky and Yakov Borisovich Zel’dovich at the Landau Institute in Moscow. The theory describes the shape of the universe (topology) as a three-dimensional torus.

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Can a perfect sphere exist?

A perfect sphere is defined as being completely symmetrical around its center, with all points on the surface lying the same distance from the center point. Nonetheless, a perfect sphere does appear in nature and can be seen in examples such as bubbles, water drops, planets, and atoms.

Does the universe loop?

Instead of being flat like a bedsheet, our universe may be curved, like a massive, inflated balloon, according to a new study. So it’s been largely rejected in favor of a “flat universe” that extends without boundary in every direction and doesn’t loop around on itself.

Are we in a closed universe?

The authors reanalyzed a major cosmological data set and concluded that the data favors a closed universe with 99\% certainty — even as other evidence suggests the universe is flat.

Are black holes perfect spheres?

A non-rotating black hole, free of external influences, has perfect spherical symmetry. All its properties are exactly the same in any direction, period. This is the Schwarzschild metric.

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Why is the sun circle?

The reason that the Sun and most large objects in space, like stars, planets, and large moons are round is that they formed and collapsed under the force of their own gravity. Due to the effects of rotation, the Sun is not a perfect sphere. It bulges out slightly at its equator.

Is the universe infinite or finite?

The universe may be infinite, but we can only see a finite section of it due to the finite speed of light.

How can the universe be infinite if it started expanding?

How can the universe be infinite if it started expanding 13.8 billion years ago? If the universe is infinite, it has always been infinite. At the Big Bang, it was infinitely dense. Since then it has just been getting less dense as space has expanded. Imagine a large flat rubber sheet with sand placed as closely together as possible on the sheet.

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How much of the universe can we see?

The universe may be infinite, but we can only see a finite section of it due to the finite speed of light. We can only see those parts from which light has had time to reach us since the beginning of the universe – which means we can (in theory) see a spherical universe with radius of about 47 billion light years.

Could the universe have had a bounce instead of a bang?

With a bounce rather than a bang, Steinhardt says, distant parts of the cosmos would have plenty of time to interact with each other, and to form a single smooth universe in which the sources of CMB radiation would have had a chance to even out. In fact, it’s possible that time has existed forever.