Is it possible to learn JavaScript by yourself?

Is it possible to learn JavaScript by yourself?

While JavaScript is a step up from the most fundamental web development skills (languages like HTML and CSS, which can be learned in under a month), you can still expect to learn JS basics in a matter of months, not years—and that’s whether you learn through online classes or teach yourself through book study.

What is the most effective way to learn JavaScript?

The 5 Best Ways to Learn JavaScript Fast

  1. Self-Guided Websites and Courses.
  2. Books.
  3. Coding Boot Camps.
  4. Meetups and Networking Events.
  5. Starting Your Own Projects.

Is it okay not to learn JavaScript?

There’s absolutely no sense in saying one shouldn’t learn JavaScript. In fact, for it still being effective without using Classical OOP, one should have knowledge of it. C – procedural coding without any OOP in place.

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Can you actually learn to code on your own?

When teaching yourself to code, you learn on your own schedule using free or paid online / offline resources. But in order to be successful on this self learning route and jump from beginner developer to junior developer quickly, you will need to incorporate some of the magic of bootcamps into your self taught journey.

Will learning JavaScript help me to learn Java?

Java and Javascript are totally different things 🙂 So no, learning Javascript won’t help you to learn Java, besides you will learn to think logically learning Javascript or any other programming language! So if you want to learn Java, then learn Java 🙂

Is it possible to learn JavaScript without a scrience degree?

You can even have a successful career in software without a Comupter Scrience degree. JavaScript is simply one step in the entire process of becoming a good developer. Have faith in yourself — even if you tried many things but failed — because you can do it. I know how to help you learn JavaScript.

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What is the advantage of knowing JavaScript over Java?

Knowing javascript would be advantage and help you not to live in java only vaccume. To some extent, learning any language will help you learn another, because you have learned how procedural coding works at a fundamental level.

Should I learn Java or JavaScript for Android app development?

Try to think about this way: if want to build websites or web-apps, then you should go with JavaScript, and If want to create Android apps, go with Java. Okay fine you have no idea, then go with Java (static type language) than JavaScript (dynamic type language), if you have no idea what this line it’s okay too.