Is loud transitive or intransitive?

Is loud transitive or intransitive?

Answer: it is transitive. “loudly”is transitive.

How do you tell if a sentence is transitive or intransitive?

When there’s an object in a sentence containing an action word, you’re dealing with transitive verbs. If there is no object in a sentence containing an action word, yet the sentence still makes sense, then the action word is an intransitive verb.

Is the loud noise woke me transitive or intransitive?

The loud noise woke me. Here the verb woke has an object (me) and hence it is transitive.

Is laugh transitive or intransitive?

(Laugh is an intransitive verb and does not take any object.

What are 10 examples of transitive?

Examples of Transitive Verbs

  • Alex sent a postcard from Argentina.
  • She left the keys on the table.
  • My father took me to the movies for my birthday.
  • Please buy me a dog!
  • Minna hit Joe when the teacher turned.
  • My mom wrote me a letter for my birthday.
  • My dog ate carrots off the floor.
  • Alicia washed the dishes after dinner.
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What are examples of transitive and intransitive verbs?

Transitive and intransitive verbs

Verb Transitive Intransitive
run Michelle used to run a restaurant. The path ran over the hill.
live Our cat lived till he was 10. He was living a life of luxury abroad.
wash Have you washed your hands? I washed, dressed, and went out.
write Write your name here. Kevin couldn’t read or write.

What is transitive and intransitive with examples?

A transitive verb is one that is used with an object: a noun, phrase, or pronoun that refers to the person or thing that is affected by the action of the verb….Transitive and intransitive verbs.

Verb Transitive Intransitive
stop Greg tried to stop her from leaving. When the rain stopped, we went for a walk.

What is intransitive verb give 3 examples?

An intransitive verb is defined as a verb that does not take a direct object. That means there’s no word in the sentence that tells who or what received the action of the verb….Common Intransitive Verbs.

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agree appear arrive
exist float grow
happen leave lie
listen panic smile
talk work yell

What is transitive verb example?

Some other examples of transitive verbs are “address,” “borrow,” “bring,” “discuss,” “raise,” “offer,” “pay,” “write,” “promise,” and “have.” The instructor addressed the student’s question. Miriam borrowed the methodology book from her classmate because she forgot her copy.

Is transitive or intransitive?

A verb can be described as transitive or intransitive based on whether it requires an object to express a complete thought or not. A transitive verb is one that only makes sense if it exerts its action on an object. An intransitive verb will make sense without one. Some verbs may be used both ways.

What is transitive or intransitive?

A verb can be described as transitive or intransitive based on whether it requires an object to express a complete thought or not. A transitive verb is one that only makes sense if it exerts its action on an object. An intransitive verb will make sense without one.